Apr 13, 2007


This morning while I was driving my youngest to preschool, I remembered something my Mama told me when I was very little. I am not sure why it popped into my head again this morning, but it gave me a moment of contemplation.

...(my Mama's voice) "Kimmie, to have a friend you have to BE a friend."

The process of "be" is something I continue to put effort into, lately there hasn't been enough "friend" time for me, I have been very family focused and am missing my friends.

If I have neglected you, forgive me, know that I care for you and that you are important to me. I am learning so much, as God is stretching me. I am hopefully 'being' transformed more into His likeness, and hopefully that will make me a better friend.

I so appreciate a kind word from a friend, a word of encouragement, a word that edifies and builds up- I enjoy doing those things for my friends, thank you for also doing them for me.
A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverb 18:24

In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, never in want.
Irish Proverb

What is a friend? I will tell you it is someone with whom you dare to be yourself.
Frank Crane

A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.
Fr. Jerome Cummings


Anonymous said...

Posted by Tonia
It is so easy to get busy, isn't it? I was reminded this week of just this thing...that time with friends...time FOR friends is vital.

God bless you!

Posted by Tonia
It is so easy to get busy, isn't it? I was reminded this week of just this thing...that time with friends...time FOR friends is vital.

God bless you!


Anonymous said...

Posted by StillHisGirl
I am a better mom and wife when I can have some time with friends. I am blessed with friends who understand how busy life can be and are patient until we can find some time together. Girls' Nights Out are some of the best times of my life. Often we try to do something later in the evening so it doesn't interfere with family time- dessert at 7:30 or meeting for coffee (decaf of course) after the kids are all in bed. I can tell when I've gone too long without having good girlfriend time- I start trying to turn my hubby into my girlfriend! Doesn't work. :)

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