Oct 4, 2008

Prayer Request Sunday

A.W. Pink~ Contentment, then, is the product of a heart resting in God.
Pondering a content heart, examining my own this past week. Thinking hard on the true condition of my heart. My father died of a heart condition in the 'physical' 17 years ago, I certainly don't desire to carry on any condition in the 'spiritual'
in my heart. Would you join me in pondering what it means to be content this week?
Philippians 4:19
Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am.

A little understanding: A word study/comparison-from Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary
1. Content; a resting or satisfaction of mind without disquiet; acquiescence (submission with apparent content).
Godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6.
1. Rest or quietness of the mind in the present condition; satisfaction which holds the mind in peace, restraining complaint, opposition, or further desire, and often implying a moderate degree of happiness.
[dis and content.] Want of content; uneasiness or inquietude of mind; dissatisfaction at any present state of things.

DISCONTENT, adjective
Uneasy; dissatisfied.

DISCONTENT, verb transient
To make uneasy at the present state; to dissatisfy.
Would you pray with me now?
Father, we come to you with humbled hearts, asking for you to forgive us from any attitude that is less than content. Forgive us for harboring any spirit of discontent within our hearts. Help us to not be a stiff-necked people, but ones who are willing to have repentant hearts. Let us be soft clay in the Potter's hands. Teach us Holy Spirit, how to live in contentment at all times, help us not forget all your goodness to us in past days.
Father teach us and help us to learn this lesson with the help of your Holy Spirit, that abides within us; when we accept Jesus as our own personal Lord and Saviour.
In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
If I can pray something specifically for you...or if you just want to pop in with a, "Hi!" I'd love to hear from you today.
God bless each of you richly.


Amrita said...

Wow your pesto looks lovely, we make our churtney 's like this.

Please pray for me, I havean eye infection, very painful. For my Mum too, she is better but very weak she has has not been able to eat properly since a long time. Her spirit is also droopy.

Marilyn - A Mixed Bouquet said...

Wonderful post, Kimmie! Thank you for posting. Still praying for your family!

K. Pirkle said...

We got on the waiting list for Guatemala and about 2 weeks later, found out they were closing. We chose to go to Vietnam instead, and now they are closed. Before starting this journey, I prayed that I would see any delay in our process as God aligning the child He chose for our home with our adoption. I never dreamed it would involve 2 countries closing and most likely having to move on to a third. I can't say how many times God has reminded me of my promise to Him to not give up or get upset at delays.
Right now, we have decided to wait Vietnam out for 90 days until Dec. 1st and then,unless they come up with an agreement, it will be time to decide again what country God wants us to choose. I was just wanting to ask you and everyone reading this to pray for all of us that are having to choose again where to adopt from.
I pray that we are not in a hurry and choose wrongly in OUR timing. I don't want to make a mistake like Sarah (I won't send my husband to another woman of course), but I would rather have to wait longer for God's decision, rather than get a child sooner, that God didn't want for us.
If we do change countries, we will be starting anew financially and will lose all the money we have invested so far. We don't make a lot of money. I am an RN and only work 32 a month so that I can stay home and homeschool. So, losing $12,000 is a big blow, but I know God will provide. He has already worked a miracle in my husband in turning his heart toward adoption and the fact that my husband is not freaking out over the money loss and still wants to pursue another child is a miracle too. Thanks for your prayers, Karen Pirkle

Anonymous said...

Ah, contentment. I think it has a lot to do with how WE choose to see things. You can fill your time up and be busy, busy, busy and very unhappy. Or you can take the time to stop and actually enjoy things as you go. This is something I haven`t fully mastered yet.

Yesterday, it was semi-forced when my internet went out and I had to skip work for the day. :S I stressed for quite a while and then decided that it was a proper day off and enjoyed hanging out with the boys.

Renata said...

Thanks for a great post. Very applicable right where I am at the moment.

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Prayer needed for us,the sweet child God has brought into our lives,whom we will hopefully get to adopt.She is so scared right now,and is leaving the only family she has known for 3 long years,since her birth.Pray that birthdad will show up for his dna test,or surrender his rights,that babygirl will heal from her lose,and bond strongly to us,that we will use patience with her and each other while times are trying.And that financially we will be able to afford this child.Thanksyou!!!

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