Mar 7, 2010

Prayer Request Sunday and thank YOU!

Hi Friends, welcome to Prayer Request Sunday!

First I'd like to heartily thank all of you that rejoiced with us at our becoming the official parents of this beautiful Ethiopian daughter!  We are filled with such joy and peace, knowing that God's Will is being done for her and for our family.  

Have you looked at the total amount raised for Princess Sweetness' adoption?  We stand here amazed at how 6 months ago, we had only the initial $3,000 to put towards getting us started with her adoption. Every penny that is totaled on the sidebar has come from generous givers!  Are you amazed and in awe of how God works?   The sidebar says we are almost there with the remaining funds needed, (we didn't include our $3,000 in the total adoption cost should be around $23k total).  Normally, we don't talk about adoption costs, but this time, because we were without means to make it happen from our savings; we put the pay-pal button up.  We are so very thankful for not having to walk this call out alone.

We have 5 weeks left before our feet should land in Ethiopia.  I can't wait to hold and hold my girl ...well, if I can beat her Papa to her. (lol).  We are so thankful for each of you who has joined us in this amazing journey to our daughter-what a privilege it is to do Kingdom business as a Family!  How God must be smiling at His purposes being accomplished.

Do you need prayer?  If you would like prayer, just leave me a comment or send me a private email, and we'll join hearts and hands together before our Father in heaven.

This is a picture from when she got our photo album in December 2009

You don't mind if I share the photos that have been sent to us over the next few weeks?
(until I can take my own and then, look-out we are in for tons more; post her being home!!)

Thank you again my dear are such a blessing to me and my family!


George said...

WOW, only 5 weeks!

My mother-in-law is sick with a rare blood disease...please pray that treatments helps to prolong her lovely life! Thank you honey!

Tammy said...

Only five weeks....

If I can hardly wait, Kimmie, I can only imagine how exciting it is in your house right now!

Praising God with you,
Tammy ~@~

Dardi said...

Kimmie ~ You know I am so thrilled for you! Please pray that come Wednesday, everything would be in order so that our little boy's case passes court, too.

Thank you!!

SF said...

Yippee, hooray!! :) So happy for you and for Simenesh. She is beautiful.

Please pray we all get well quickly - I feel I may be coming down with the same flu my children had last week. :( Just need to stay well so I can take care of everyone!! xo

Karen said...

How exciting! And a quick do you pronounce Simenesh?

Stephanie said...

I can't wait to see more photos of your new girlie over the coming weeks! SO very excited for you! :)

Anonymous said...


Congratulations to you and your family. Your girl is just beautiful and I can't wait to see more pics. So happy for you!

Stacy said...

WOW! YAY, Kimmie! :)
She is so cute.
And God is so good to provide so abundantly for you!

(((love you)))

Julie said...

I am just so excited for you!!!

Andrea said...

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!!!

I'm am over joyed to hear your news and to know, Lord willing, you will be in Ethiopia in five weeks to bring home your dauaghter. Amazing!!!
Yes please, share more pictures. She looks like a sweet heart. Praise God for all His mighty works and answers to our prayers. Praise Him Always!

I miss you so much, and am praying for you.

Courage, Peace, and Rest,


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