Jul 26, 2012

Crying Out to God

A little background on this photo first.  I snapped it in a field in Vermont this spring.  When I went to play with it in photo editing (my new favorite is Picmonkey) I saw an image in the grass of a tiny figure with arms raised to heaven.  I outlined it in photo editing so you could see it too.  It seemed to be screaming out to be used, so here she is...
God is in the things all around us certainly.
How can I not Praise Him?

Now on to my heart...

I have been in a semi-stuck state in regards to our current adoption.  It has been a fairly long road so far, with lots of red-tape battle and very little encouragement along the way. I feel like I am in a no-man's land and am crying to get out.  

 I was just asking the Holy Spirit if He could encourage me a bit. I wasn't sure exactly how, but I was ready to receive.  

Ever been there?

Last night we were visiting a church about a half hour from home.  We've been going mid-week for about a month now and have really enjoyed it.  We aren't church hunting, just hungry.  

Last night at this House of God (Bethel), during worship I heard God speak.  I clearly heard several times...
havelah shalom.  

I jotted it down, so not to forget.  I knew it would be for a time I could search it out on the internet, knowing deep down that God was sending me a love note.

Now most of you know that the baby-to -be's name is S.H.A.L.O.M.  I have shared several times on her rescue from abortion to adoption and how God is very into these details.  We have been praying and waiting for nearly 2 years.  

When I plugged in Havelah I learned it was indeed Hebrew (beautiful, wonderful Hebrew!) and that it is a girl's name which means: Beloved, precious.

So God sent me encouragement that this one is beloved and precious to Him. 
 That she is indeed "Havelah Shalom"

...Beloved Wholeness/completeness/peace.

It set tears to my eyes and put Hope again stirred up, within my spirit.

Thank you God,  

And thank you for letting me share His Goodness.

and for Rhonda...

What a blessing to speak to you yesterday. (insert hearts!!)
  After we hung up, God directed me to Psalm 37 for you.

Read it...I loved this part...(5 and 6)

 Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.
 And He will make your uprightness and right standing with God go forth as the light, and your justice and right as [the shining sun of] the noonday.

Be encouraged dear girl...
God is before you in this!


Rhonda Gunn said...

I'm glad you can't hear me crying .....where are my tissues??? I'm not being silly..I really mean it.....it's just that no-man's land is somewhat familiar to me, too and your speaking my name like that and sharing the scripture....well.......(puddles). -- I feel like the one who said, "I believe, and help my unbelief!"

So, I'm thanking Him for the encouragement that you received because now you are dear to me, and because it also encouraged me. And then I thank YOU for the words that were for me......I do love words and yours were my gift! Cherishing them!

Karen said...


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