Crying...often and a lot

But I am feeling the Holy Spirit press me, so I will move on to another subject.
Some of you know I have a HUGE and ever growing passion for orphans. God has had me praying for the past 3-4 years for the Church in regards to orphans.
God asked me to sew dolls...orphan begin the call to His Church to get serious with his mandate to take care of orphans, His orphans.
I sewed both dolls. I battled to do so. Sickness, commitments, life, just plain exhaustion, kept me from the sewing machine many a day. But as of Wednesday night, they are both completed. A girl orphan and a boy orphan, one side light tan and the other side each doll is two dolls. Two 'colored' girls and two sweet 'colored' boys. Hopefully soon the rest of the steps in launching them out in ministry will be tackled and we will see what God does!!!!
But the whole of the deal and this post is that:
*** God has my heart****...
I find myself weeping at the most odd times. I am overcome with what He has placed on my heart. I am constantly praying and more often than not, lately crying; physically crying because God you see is breaking my heart.
I have to tell you, I asked Him to do it. I invited the Holy Spirit to come and break my heart for the things that break His. I know ORPHANS break his heart, and so mine is entwined deeply with His and I find myself in a pool of salty tears, standing in the gap, until He wakes up his sleepy Church (people who call themselves Christians, Christ followers, or Believers....
for you who don't know what I mean by Church with a capital C).
But the good news ...well there is much. But as of this moment I have been blessed with knowing He is working.
Last week, I spoke with one of my best girlfriend's the end of the week they decided to adopt through foster care. The cool thing is I never saw it coming...the husband is NOT YET a believer. As we spoke of the huge need and pain/suffering of the orphans in our state foster care system, his heart was moved. I saw the tears in his eyes and knew that God had his number...I will stand firmly in prayer for this family...for salvation for my sweet girlfriend's husband and for the rescue of a hurting child. Two other families from my church met with my Knight and I on Saturday. Both of these families have known that God had given them a heart for adoption, for years they have brought it up with us. I offered a meeting, to pray and answer any questions (as we have lived it out...through foster care and internationally). Both families are going to adopt, one through the legal risk program in our state (foster care) and the other through our agency (All God's Children-ACGI) (they have Nepal on their hearts!).
Can you imagine my joy?
'Oh, Lord continue the good work you have begun. Reduce me to a puddle of salty tears if you must. But your Word tells us we need to be Salty and what good is it if we have lost our Saltiness. Have your way Lord, my life is in your trustworthy Hands.'
WHOA! You are such a worker for our Father! And a very brave one too! Asking him to break your heart... you know he will hold you tight as you weep your salty tears! It's so easy to get my newbies and be on my way - but I look in to M's eyes, see his family, and my heart wonders what will happen to the others.... You are brave to get into that boxing match. I applaud you and hope to learn from you!
You are amazing, Kimmie and I love your heart. You have no idea what an impact you are making on me by sharing along your journey with this.
And the orphan dolls sound wonderful! Do we get to see a picture?
I love watching your passion grow and manifest in so many ways. It is inspiring.
Today I fasted over lunch for an orphan I know (both his parents are living, but he is in foster care and is truly an orphan. I think you know who he is) and for my husband - that he would be moved by God towards orphans more and more - and for me to be submissive to His will for me and our family.
I want to make this a regular time of fasting every week - maybe I could expand it to your doll ministry, too.
Praise the Lord for using you! You are such an example to others in your willingness to do what he leads you to.
Wow, God is answering your prayer.
It's a much bigger story than this, but allow me to share a little piece of what God gave me over four years ago, when our first little Ethiopian princess died in an Ethiopian orphanage, just weeks from coming home to us, of no apparent cause but perhaps loss of hope. Perhaps it will resonate with you. I wish I could just sit down with you and share =)
He shouted the words from Matthew, "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of the Father." He flooded my heart with the knowledge that He KNEW her, He LOVED her, and that he was holding her now, "insignificant" and unknown to the world as she was. Immediately on the heels of that, though, he said gently: "Just last week, thousands just like her died in Africa. You are mourning her greatly because she was YOURS. I am mourning them ALL because they are all MINE! I did not create these precious people for this! This was not my intent for my creation..." I felt powerfully that He had deliberately given me that tiny piece of his heart to carry along with Him, and He immediately opened and confirmed some opportunities to share it in the next few days. It was such a heartbreaking burden, but I have never felt more alive and pure in purpose than during those days.
God bless you.
Kimmie, orphans and adoption has been weighing heavy on my heart for the past few months. Sometimes to the point where I feel I can't function. I do wish I could save them all. Thank you for your post! You have many readers and I know God is working through your words.
Your heart of obedience is already bearing fruit!
Tammy ~@~
Aww, Kimmie, I wish you were my neighbor. I to have been in tears lately. I look at the waiting children and want to bring them all home. I pray every day that the many many Christians we know who have said the have "thought" about adoption would let the Holy Spirit guide them and take a step of faith. I'm praying with you sister.
Such exciting news about your friends. I will be praying for them as well.
That's so awesome!
We feel called to continue with our home brewed children for now, but with a nudge to consider adoption in future years. I just pray that adoption stays open to larger Christian families. It's definitely the work of the enemy to want to put restrictions on that.
I'm really glad you have your passion and that God is using you to give courage to other's hearts where they feel nudged.
I shed those same tears with you my sweet friend! You are an inspiration and your love for our Heavenly Father shines through so brightly in your words! I am blessed by you and appreciate you sharing your heart and your beautiful family with us!
wow Kimmie. I loved that post. It rocked me.
wow. your blog is amazing. Your work is amazing. Coming from the foster home system myself, I applaud you. A wonderful christian family rescued me at 14. I just finished a book I could not put down and know if you have reading time you would appreciate it. "Same Kind of Different As Me." by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. I believe you are right on, a true warrior for Christ.
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