Decoupage dreams
I don't have any pictures yet, but last night before church Princess Sparky (12) and I hit the Goodwill. We landed a 4 piece set of hardside luggage-70's green, for $5.00. I spent today searching for pictures to Modge-Podge on to the cleaned up baggage.
I had to go buy two books, though I have a thousand or so in our homeschool library-(estimation may be slightly high, but not according to my dear Knight or charming children) in which to cut from. I wasn't sure I'd be courageous enough to actually do it, but this afternoon while my four smallest ones were napping (Vacation Bible School tonight!) I managed to chop to bits the two old books I salvaged from the hospital thrift shop.
While the kids are at VBS tonight learning about good kings and bad kings, I might have a go at decoupage, it has been ages since I tried to work with this stuff. I am hoping to find some kids books to chip-chop for suitcase #2-couldn't find any today, though I know I have some 1960's readers tucked away that my older two didn't really love.
It seems so wrong to put scissors to a book, really against everything I was taught at an early age.
'Honor books, treat them with respect, with great love and care, Kimmie,' my Mama would say.
Never mind that the poor things were gathered up with the scraps and put in the trash barrel, I think I hear them weeping. Alas, the suitcases are giggling at the hopes of a new home and a sunnier look-who wouldn't want a make-over on a fine day like today?
Stay tuned!

Ooohhh, I can't wait for pics! I've never decoupaged anything but I think it'd be fun.
IHOP is a great ministry. reallyniceday - who is linked in my sidebar - and her husband have been there for 2 years. They just had their 5th child. Very beautiful people. We took some young people down to onething in K.C. in December. It was awesome!
I'm looking forward to seeing the finished products! Sounds like they're going to be really cute!
We had VBS the first week of June and my two littlest cried on the last day.... "Why can't VBS last all summer??" Hope yours are having as much fun! (And after the daily excitement, mine slept really well.... hope it's having the same effect on your little ones!)
What a great idea! Can't wait to see photos! When I re-did the girls' room last month, I decoupaged the top of their dresser with scrapbook papers. I like how it turned out. Your project sounds way cooler!
Back in the 70's we used to Mod Podge everything we could get our hands on! I remember filing edges of boards and then burning them with a torch for effect --- so we could Mod Podge pictures on them. I love your suitcases --- very creative!
Your pirate sounds like she needs to meet mine. He's just as logical and always smartest! LOL!
:) LaTeaDah
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