This is a great sign... I used to live on a street that was quite busy... Oh how I would have loved to get my hands on that sign then. You left a comment on Javamamma's blog saying you are hypoglycemic. I was just thinking today that one of my children might be... can you share more about it? ~Karlie
Thank you for your comment on my blog. Your family is absolutely beautiful!! I would love to hear more about your experience with foster care. We have always wanted to foster children and hope to do so someday.
Hi! I found your blog last week by way of another one and have been reading your archives as I find the time. You have a beautiful family! I am an adoptive mom also. We fostered for three and a half years and adopted our Drama Queen during that time. Your blog has been very encouraging and uplifting. I look forward to reading more about your precious family. Velvia
Hello Kimmie, I'm here to let you know that I am passing on the Nice Matters Award to you.
The awards "official definition":
"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 4 others who you feel are deserving of this award."
My hearts desire is to live out loud, a life that reflects Jesus. Join me through word and picture
on this journey called my life. I am the Mama to 8 children, one homemade and 7 adopted, married to my handsome Knight and daily following hard after Jesus. Hope you will consider me your friend.
Our oldest daughter and son-in-love. Newlyweds and serving our country through the Air Force-how proud we are of both of them.
Princess Lala (age 22-adopted from Hungary at 15 months old)
Our beautiful daughter, first adoption and now our second to graduate out of our little homeschool.
Princess Sweetness (age 20-adopted April 2010~Ethiopia!)
Loving, obedient, a listener of His voice, funny and wise
Princess Sunshine (age 18-adopted through foster care-came at 3 adopted by 5)
Sweet , gentle and kind to others
Princess Giggles (age 15- adopted March 2007 *5 years old*...through foster care)
She is determined, loyal, and so wants to please, we thought we were just doing respite for a sibling group of 3...but God meant another adoption for us! Hurray!
King Meemer (age 14- adopted March 2007 through foster care-with his two siblings *age 4*)
He is hard-working, helpful, and wise
King Bonkey (age 13- adopted March 2007 *3 years old* ...we met his sibling group in May 2006 )
He is a worshiper, tender-hearted, and focused
Princess Mercy (age 8)
Our beautiful Ethiopian daughter, arrived January 16, 2009 at 9 months old and perfect!
Coolest sign!
Love the sign! Wish I could get one for my road which I have pegged "the fast and furious."
This is a great sign... I used to live on a street that was quite busy... Oh how I would have loved to get my hands on that sign then.
You left a comment on Javamamma's blog saying you are hypoglycemic. I was just thinking today that one of my children might be... can you share more about it? ~Karlie
Wow, great, great sign. I want one!!!
HI, Kimmie,
Thank you for your comment on my blog. Your family is absolutely beautiful!! I would love to hear more about your experience with foster care. We have always wanted to foster children and hope to do so someday.
I'm looking forward to following your blog!
BEST sign ever AWARD!!!!!!!!!
I love it.
Love it!
Hi! I found your blog last week by way of another one and have been reading your archives as I find the time. You have a beautiful family! I am an adoptive mom also. We fostered for three and a half years and adopted our Drama Queen during that time. Your blog has been very encouraging and uplifting. I look forward to reading more about your precious family. Velvia
I love it!
Hello Kimmie,
I'm here to let you know that I am passing on the Nice Matters Award to you.
The awards "official definition":
"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 4 others who you feel are deserving of this award."
I am totally LOVING this sign!! LOVE IT!
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