Homeschool Lapbook- unit study (Giant Panda/China)
Welcome, join me and my four youngest as we share our two month study of Giant Panda's and China...
Our Lapbook cover...follow us along the study

These flip over one more time...but you'll have to use your I didn't get a picture

Silkworms-discovered by the Chinese! We acted out the production of silk...we even wrapped one kid and pretended that we were unraveling them to gather our silk! Yup, learning is fun!

Princess Sunshine pasting the Chinese currency together
(Bad cat)

Having fun learning to draw pandas
Writing practice for our 2 first graders
Look we learned to count to 10 in Manderin Chinese

Having fun decorating some dragons for our lapbook.

Some lapbook links that we used:
mini-book helps
homeschool share lapbook helps
paper folding templates
Enchanted learning website (membership required for some pages)
That looked like so much fun. I love enchanted learning, we have had fun with their site.
Looks like tons of fun! Do you home school all your children?
Hi Any Girl;
Do we homeschool all our children?
Yup...this is year 13 of homeschooling!
God is good!
Goodness, you don`t do anything by half measures, do you? That`s a lot of information on pandas. What a great experience for your children. Have they seen Kung Fu Panda? I don`t know if you watch movies like that, but it`s a big hit around here . . . one of Dorian`s favorites. :)
That is just so awesome, how exciting and fun for your kids and I am sure for you too :)
VERY NICE!! I love lapbooking. My kids always learn so much. I am going to look into that one. Thank you for sharing. I can always use new ideas. We are almost done with our Johnny Appleseed/apple lapbook.
Your kids did a great job!!
That appears to be a lot of fun.So attractively displayed
You are an incredible home-school mommy! Love it.
I love lapbooks. I just never get around to getting them put together!
Oh Kimmie i was just gonna ask the same thing....
ive always wanted to home school, but ive not been very brave .
I think your work was astounding,
i feel very inspired : )
I was wondering. do you do different things for princess sunshine since she is a few grades older?
Hi Annie;
Good question...
Yes, she gets more...
a unit study of any type, when done by us (or other homeschool families that have multi-age/grade children) is like riding a bus...the little ones jump off sooner and the older ones are the last off. She does more research, has more required of her in regards to what is learned or memorized, due to her ability and age. Some of her stuff was in those front and back pockets of the lapbook. She also made a game for the younger kids and helped to layout the lapbook. She also would be the one 'writing' a report, the younger ones aren't there yet.
Hope this answers your question.
Hi, I just found your blog through the AGCI group thing...we are also adopting and this will make our 5th child...4 homemade and first adoption...we've requested a baby girl under 12 months to keep birth order...Your China Unit looked awesome...way to go, kristi
What fun and you found such wonderful resources :-)
Tammy ~@~
WOW! Amazing....
Hi Kimmie
I do not home school and I am not connected with adoption but I just wanted to say what a beautiful family you have and what wonderful work they have produced with their lap book panda project.
I will remember you in my prayers with regard to your exciting new adoption.
Best Wishes
What a great lapbook, and neat idea to do it in a folder so that you can put in extra papers that won't normally fit in the typical lapbooks.
Enjoyed all of your other photos, too.
Very cool!
Oh wow! This is a great lapbook! I can't wait to show this post to my 11 year old daughter. She is doing her first research paper this year and chose to do her paper on the Giant Pandas! Unfortunately there wasn't an overwhelming amount of books to provide info for her paper. At least half of her research has taken place over the internet. Boy, I probably need to get caught up to the 21 st century anyways. Ha. Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful job they all did! We are planning a trip to Hong Kong and I was looking for some inspiration on lapbooking. At what age did you teach them to create a lapbook? Thanks so much for putting together such a wonderful and informational blog! God Bless, Julie
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