Facts on our Little Beauty
Once upon a time there was a family who was waiting to get their Little Beauty from Ethiopia. They knew very little about their coming Babe, but trusted in the One who had called them to go get her. Faith can be such a big thing in adoption, truly ours has grown in this particular adoption. Our hearts are ready to go, but how do you pack for one you don't know? What do you bring to clothe her and to comfort her?
The suitcase lay open near the floor of her changing table, it began to house things we knew were needed. Some of it was guess work in regards to size (like diapers)-but yesterday a very brief note came from our agency.
I will share it's contents (well, what I can...her name being withheld)
Common name: (Little Beauty)
Official name on passport: (her name plus her new Papa's full name)
D.O.B.-April 10th, 2008
Most recent measurements:
Height-70 cm (27 inches)
Weight-7.92 kg (17 lbs)
sizes: 5-8 months (I bought most 12- 18, as she looked like a giant baby to me!)
diapers- based on listed weight (phew, I guessed right!)
6-8 bottles of Nan 2 formula per day in 2-3 hour intervals. (Similac is the U.S.A. version of this formula). She is using the Nana milk based (darn, I bought the soy! We were told many Ethiopians have a milk intolerance.)
Relationships: 4 Special mothers take care of her (their names....xxxxxxxx)
How to approach the child based on her personality:
You can pick her up and hold her, we have no concerns.
'Little Beauty' is a content baby. She is sweet spirited and adorable (sigh!)
Classical music-baby lullabies before bed, while being rocked.
Families are recommended to use measurements of their child's info above for more accuracy on the size of diapers, bottles and clothing. Bring age appropriate toys.
19 days until we fly to Africa!: *We still need prayer for our finances...still $3,500 needed to complete this adoption. If you feel led, there is a fund raising button on my sidebar...we'd love to have you join us in this adoption. Consider your money as seed into this little girl's life...we promise to water your seed with our love.
Can't wait to meet her
Lord, please provide the finances and may the travel go smoothly. Amen.
Merry Christmas to you and your whole family
Sounds exciting! I'm so excited for you!! Still praying!
Wow...such anticipation...I am so excited the day is drawing closer...
Merry Christmas!
Ben is just about a month older than your Little Beauty and he weighs about the same and is wearing 9-12 month clothes....so what you have probably will work just fine. We found when we went to HHG that the kids wear all kinds of sizes and the clothes might not really fit. I'm so excited for your family!! And am glad you got a little more info.
Merry Christmas to all of you! And it will be like Christmas all over again for you when you go to pick up your little beauty. I am so excited for you.
Hi Kimmie, Happy Christmas, I hope you and your family all have a wonderful day. Bob
How exciting! How on earth can you stand the excitement?! I wouldn't be able to sleep. Praying for finances and safe travel.
Merry Christmas, Kimmie! Thanks for stopping by! It sounds like a very exciting year for your family as you head to Africa and bring home your sweetheart!
Hello!!! My Mom referred me to your blog. She is "I Have To Say". I went to Africa about a year and a half ago to work in an orphanage. I then decided that I really wanted to adopt. I would love to maybe have one of my own as you do, but I completely plan on adopting the rest!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I look forward to following your blog.
Congratulations! What a merry Christmas blessing. So glad to hear the joy in your "voice."
Rejoicing with you.
OH how exciting Kimmie. . .praying for all your needs. . .
Wow, wow, wow!!! And she was born 4 days before Micha!!! Fun!!!!
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