We can use some more prayer...3 of are cars are dead, all of them need time in the repair shop...thinking its the last ditch efforts of satan...but can you pray for our finances, seems we are under attack.
Aw, Kimmie! Big hug for you from Guate. I know you`re having a rough time waiting for news of your baby and this extra stuff can`t be helping one bit. Hang in there and make sure you get lots of hugs from your kids.
We will know in about a week (hopefully no later than this Friday.)
The first car goes into the shop tomorrow...it was weird, one car went the week before, we thought it might just be the battery, they checked the battery it was fine, so my Knight drove the next car...that one died the beginning of this week (the power steering went) -then yesterday the brakes went on the Suburban...yikes.
Trying to stay at peace....knowing that we are a threat to enemy and he knows all he can do at this point is kick and scratch.
I will pray for your finances. I am so sorry this is happening right now. This is hard but you will get through it Kimmie deezie thanks for your prayers in the past also.
I am sorry about your cars,your $,and waiting on kiddo to arrive.I pray for you often. We could use prayer as well,as Satan is trying to attack us during what should be a wonderful peaceful time.Please pray that visitation with the former fosters will not occur,atleast not this soon,its not best for kiddo.That the Court will get us in quickly,and give us TPR for this child.That childwelfare will actually do what it is they are supposed to do,with paperwork and getting to court.And that Gods will be done,and that our family will be protected from the enemy.
Kimmie, I can identify with all the financial stuff. Right at the time we started the paperwork for our boys' adoption we had car repairs and just about everything in our house broke or had some type of problem. I was sure it was Satan's attack.
Nothing like that happened with Natalie's adoption, but I think that God moved too fast and Satan did not have time to come up with a good plan :)
My hearts desire is to live out loud, a life that reflects Jesus. Join me through word and picture
on this journey called my life. I am the Mama to 8 children, one homemade and 7 adopted, married to my handsome Knight and daily following hard after Jesus. Hope you will consider me your friend.
Our oldest daughter and son-in-love. Newlyweds and serving our country through the Air Force-how proud we are of both of them.
Princess Lala (age 22-adopted from Hungary at 15 months old)
Our beautiful daughter, first adoption and now our second to graduate out of our little homeschool.
Princess Sweetness (age 20-adopted April 2010~Ethiopia!)
Loving, obedient, a listener of His voice, funny and wise
Princess Sunshine (age 18-adopted through foster care-came at 3 adopted by 5)
Sweet , gentle and kind to others
Princess Giggles (age 15- adopted March 2007 *5 years old*...through foster care)
She is determined, loyal, and so wants to please, we thought we were just doing respite for a sibling group of 3...but God meant another adoption for us! Hurray!
King Meemer (age 14- adopted March 2007 through foster care-with his two siblings *age 4*)
He is hard-working, helpful, and wise
King Bonkey (age 13- adopted March 2007 *3 years old* ...we met his sibling group in May 2006 )
He is a worshiper, tender-hearted, and focused
Princess Mercy (age 8)
Our beautiful Ethiopian daughter, arrived January 16, 2009 at 9 months old and perfect!
Aw, Kimmie! Big hug for you from Guate. I know you`re having a rough time waiting for news of your baby and this extra stuff can`t be helping one bit. Hang in there and make sure you get lots of hugs from your kids.
Praying for you guys. Praying that you are filled with His peace & that the cars are an easy fix.
When do you hear about your baby?
Hi Renata;
We will know in about a week (hopefully no later than this Friday.)
The first car goes into the shop tomorrow...it was weird, one car went the week before, we thought it might just be the battery, they checked the battery it was fine, so my Knight drove the next car...that one died the beginning of this week (the power steering went) -then yesterday the brakes went on the Suburban...yikes.
Trying to stay at peace....knowing that we are a threat to enemy and he knows all he can do at this point is kick and scratch.
Thanks for your prayers.
Will pray they are quick and easy fixes!
I'm praying, Friend! You've been heavy on my heart this week!
Praying for you and your family. It's been a rough month for us too. :c( I hope things get better for you guys.
Hi Kimmie -
Thanks so much for stopping by. You're right...I am very blessed to have Bobbie for my real-life best friend!
She is one incredible girl!
So sorry to hear of the rotten things going on with you. I will offer up a prayer for you too.
Oh no, Kimmie. I'm praying.
I will pray for your finances. I am so sorry this is happening right now. This is hard but you will get through it Kimmie
thanks for your prayers in the past also.
I am sorry about your cars,your $,and waiting on kiddo to arrive.I pray for you often.
We could use prayer as well,as Satan is trying to attack us during what should be a wonderful peaceful time.Please pray that visitation with the former fosters will not occur,atleast not this soon,its not best for kiddo.That the Court will get us in quickly,and give us TPR for this child.That childwelfare will actually do what it is they are supposed to do,with paperwork and getting to court.And that Gods will be done,and that our family will be protected from the enemy.
Kimmie, I can identify with all the financial stuff. Right at the time we started the paperwork for our boys' adoption we had car repairs and just about everything in our house broke or had some type of problem. I was sure it was Satan's attack.
Nothing like that happened with Natalie's adoption, but I think that God moved too fast and Satan did not have time to come up with a good plan :)
My family is praying for your family.
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