Prayer Request Sunday
Can you believe it is Sunday already?
Honestly, were did December go?
Since the announcing of passing court in Ethiopia, time really seems to be flying. My Knight and I continue to prepare for our trip to Ethiopia to go *receive* our Little Beauty. Lots to be done in order to get to the embarking stage of our adoption, especially with leaving 6 children at home.
We are gathering donations to bring to the orphanage, we have been told what they need most is formula. Ethiopia is no longer importing formula, due to the scary situation with several infant deaths from Chinese formula. Hoping that we can be a blessing to them with what we can fit in our 4rth suitcase. I'm going to send a letter out to our friends and family asking them if they would consider coming along side us in this...the main request being Similac formula (soy variety).
We are all so excited. Yesterday my sweet Knight set up the crib. Very special, as it was his when he was a babe. Today I will adorn it with all the necessaries to make it comfy for our sweet Babe. The room is filled with all kinds of things to be brought and to give, so a little order will certainly be nice.
Can I pray for you this week? Please, don't feel like I am too busy to ask me, honestly I am up during the night and would love to cover you before our God.
If you think of it we could still use prayer for our finances...looks like tickets will be $1600 a piece for my Knight and I...and $300 for a lap seat for Little Beauty...we have $1920 raised through Emily's sweet adoption fund-raising button (thanks again Emily!)-we still are in need of another $3500 to complete this adoption.
I am reading a book by Bob Sorge, The Fire of Delayed Answers..this moved me this morning:
The sooner I realize that I know nothing, the better. Prayer is not convincing heaven of my agenda but of submitting to heaven's agenda. Prayer has no advance agenda. The purpose of prayer is to hear the heart purposes of God, lend intercession toward that purpose, and make oneself available to the Master's purposes.
A good read, deep stuff, not fluff, but fresh revelation on why God sometimes delays answering the prayers we fervently bring to Him.
Thanks for rejoicing with us...what a blessing that last post was to my family's heart.
Hi Kimmie,
So excited to hear of your preparations to welcome Little Beauty. :) I'll continue to pray that God would abundantly provide for you.
Would you pray for Praising and Bernice, specifically for their protection? Over the last months, God has been prompting us to pray this for them. Also, for the Ministry of Health to sign their case histories.
Thanks dear sister.
I'll never turn down prayer :) I'm really seeking guidance these days. I'm really trying to know God and have a relationship with Him, but I just don't understand Jesus. At all.
I imagine that life was less confusing back in the day when God smote people left and right and lit bushes on fire. At least you had an answer.
Hi Allison!
You don't know how blessed I am that you've asked for prayer...I will continue to pray for you, but don't hesitate to ask away about what is stumping you about Jesus. I'd be happy to try to help you get the understanding and peace you need.
In a nutshell...
Jesus- God's one and only Son, born of a virgin, sinless, willing to not only be our Friend, but willing to go to a cross, as was the Father's plan to pay the penalty of our sins (remember He was fully God and sinless, even though he also was fully human). Jesus did everything for us...our part-to confess our sin, and invite Him to come into our heart (lives) as Lord and Savior. Pretty easy really...then just walk it our daily...with His help!
Okay, is what I would like you to do. Can you bow your head and pray with me...
Father, I ask you to come to Allison, she is searching for you, her desire is to know you. Lord, she is having a hard time wrapping her mind around Jesus, will You come today and help her. Will you bring her understanding and peace.
Father, your Word (the Bible) tells us if we ask, seek and knock that you will open the door (Matthew 7:7 (New International Version)
Ask, Seek, Knock
7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.)
I ask this in the Power of Jesus name...
Now Allison, do you have a Bible? If not...go to
or and begin to read through one of the gospels (matthew, mark, luke or john...these tell all about Jesus' life and ministry) I recomment NIV version or the amplified version. I recommend Luke ...though any of them are excellent starting places. Pray before you begin and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand. After you've totally read through the book, get back to me and we can talk more about it.
The Holy Spirit also told me, as I prayed for go to my sidebar...under 'Sorting my Thoughts' is a category called 'Knowing Jesus.' He said this will help you...perhaps through my children it will come easier to you.
I am praying for you...and also I am very excited, you are about to receive the best Gift of your life...the best thing is once you open is yours forever!
Love you Allison!
We need prayer in the Fund Raising department, as well. We've applied to 7 adoption grants and have heard NO with three, so far. We are looking at financing... What is the "fund raising button" of Emily's??? Tell me more!
Hey Stacelito!
My blog friend Emily graciously made me a button that links to paypal, for people to send donations to for our adoption.
I am clueless and God sent Emily. We have been tremendously blessed by her willingness to step out with us -God always makes a way.
For all our other adoptions we never received any help...this is our first time. We too have applied for a grant this adoption, but haven't heard anything yet. Don't lose hope, continue to keep your eyes on Him. He will make a way...sometimes it is in the last second though ;-)
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