A few of my favorite things (addictions!)
My Knight brought some home...he knows how I feel about Orangina...
Orangina~ I have found a new love...

I'd have to agree, well with a touch of sparkling bubbly joy thrown in for good measure.
This is a picture I have had for a very long time. Recently my husband found it as he was unpacking things from our move (yes it was almost 4 years ago). Immediately I asked him to hang it in our kitchen...
It is a picture of what I think are orphans...they are winding their way up a rocky path, some are afraid, some are hurting, some are helping others...they are heading to a church on top of the hill. Some remind my Knight and I of our children that God has brought us through adoption.
The church (or what I have called the church) is hiding in the distance.
I feel that this is a prophetic picture of the Church and orphans.
Oh Church (Believers) wake up, open your eyes, see that there is a HUGE need. We have been commanded (not asked!) to take care of widows and orphans (James 1:27)
Ask God, "What shall I do in regards to the orphans of this world?"
I love the picture!!! and can't wait to try that drink!
Have a great weekend!
A very pretty and symbolic picture which befits your wall, home and heart I should say.Your have a heart for the lost, hurtung and abandoned.
Ooo that drink looks very refreshing.
I'll have to find your orangia next time I cross the border. . it looks utterly refreshing.
Your heart for the orphans is inspiring to me .. and to many others as well.
God is calling us all to action to help where we can. .
Hi Kimmie
That looks very thirst quenching. I love orangina too.
Thanks for sharing your picture and all it represents.
Have a lovely weekend.
I'm sorry I haven't visited in so long . . . I totally missed the adoption announcement . . . SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations! May God bless you as your family continues to grow.
Beautiful picture and application! Thank you. :-)
Oh my goodness, this picture of orphans is WONDERFUL! Hello to you, fellow adoptive parent! I am so happy to meet you and thank you for coming to my blog today. My daughter Neesie told me about you the other day and showed me a picture of your new daughter. May the Lord be praised. I don't mean to embarrass you, but folks like you and your husband are people whom I consider to be true Christian heroes. May He continue to be with you as you press on making a difference in this world. God bless you! I will be sure to come back for visits (hope you'll do the same). BTW, there is a post I made on my Nanna's Reflection blog you may be interested in reading. The date of the post is October 31, 2008, and the title is "True Religion."
Ask God, "What shall I do in regards to the orphans of this world?"
You put it so well here. Some people are just not in a place where they can adopt right now ... and God knows He will call them and equip them when the time is right. But EVERYONE can do SOMETHING about orphans.
Keep on marching, Kimmie!
You've definitely inspired me and I hope to one day adopt. I know the timing is not right now, but one day it will be.
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