Prayer Request Sunday

Can I pray for you this week? You know I'd love to ;-)
Leave me a comment or send me an email if you want prayer. Hmm, that last part seems funny to me...who doesn't, right?
(I could use prayer, I am fighting a bladder infection...not a fun time.)
Sending you all a hug-go enjoy your day. It is nearly 60 degrees here, the foot of snow melted (do you hear cheering from my brood?) and we are going to spend some of the day outside. Hope your day holds some God surprises!
Oh, I'm so sorry you are dealing with an infection right now. I will remember to ask for God's healing touch for you in my prayers.
If you would, please pray for my husband and I as we consider opening our home to foster children. We will begin the 12-week training course this Friday. We need God's direction in many areas: confirmation of His will for us to become licensed, guidance in filling out paperwork, what age and number of children we should request, seeking a larger vehicle, stability in our housing situation (we are currently renting). We feel like we have the right heart; we just need God to put the details in place.
A sister in Christ,
Hi! I came across your blog from a comment you left on another blog (Blessed). Your family is beautiful!
We are in need of prayers please! We are waiting for our 3rd child to come home from Thailand, an 8 year old son. We are having some paperwork problems with the US Embassy in Thailand as well as struggling pulling the last of the finances together. We have know about this little guy for 19 months. He IS our son and I am so worried something will get in the way of us bringing him home. Thank you for offering to pray and I will be praying for your health!
God bless you~
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