A park, prayer and the Holy Spirit

In previous posts I have shared that lately I have been feeling particularly low. On top of it we've had strep throat and I have a sinus infection that is just plain gross. So before I left, I asked the Holy Spirit if somehow He could come with me to the park and use my life for His glory. A simple prayer, with heart, body and soul tied to it.
Shortly after our arrival and settling in chatting (moms), my daughter Princess Giggles brought over a new friend, her name was Laura. Along with Laura came her dad. You see Princess Giggles wanted her new park friend Laura to meet her new baby sister. The dad tagged along quietly. He commented on how nice Princess Giggles had been to his daughter and how cute our new baby was. I could see the pain in his eyes and feel the hunger for another child for his family.
I told him she came through adoption. That we were so blessed by God. About our adoption(s), Princess Giggles included. We talked about foster to adopt, we talked about the how to's, about international adoption. I shared about our agency, All God's Children and their Ethiopian program. I had his attention. God was squeezing his heart.
The night before he had talked to an adoption agency. He wasn't happy with them. He wasn't sure what to do next. But God did.
Turned out that he was in the same business as my Knight. We talked for quite a while, I introduced each of my children to him and my girlfriends. He commented on how nicely my children treated each other.
He was watching, soaking us in. He was not a man of faith...yet. But God is drawing him.
I gave him our email and told him he could call my Knight if he had any questions about our agency or adoption. He thanked me and said he definitely would.
Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you for using my life and my family for your Kingdom business. I pray that that Jim and his family would come to you through Jesus. I pray for their child that awaits them, I ask you to put them on the path. Holy Spirit, I ask you to soften their hearts and to speak to them in tangible ways~gently wooing them to all you have for them.
In Jesus' name. Amen
God is so good. And you are so faithful to let Him use you!
And I am so encouraged, Kimmie- by your heartfelt, simple prayer of "Use me." How often I forget to pray that!
Isn't it amazing that all we have to do is ask. And when we do HE answers.
I am such a turtle! Sometimes I am screaming USE ME! and then other times I'm so selfish and scared! I need to shed my shell!
I am thankful for your mentorship!
We must meet up at a park!
I love it. Isn't it so great to watch God use us? I love how He brings people to me who are already feeling His nudge to foster care or adoption and with my story and passion, it makes an impact on their decision. It is amazing to do His wonderful work!
Kimmie, I love how you go about the Lord's business! You just never know how He'll use you next!
Tammy ~@~
Kimmie, I love how you go about the Lord's business! You just never know how He'll use you next!
Tammy ~@~
What a wonderful testimony Kimmie. You are such a special person.
God is amazing!!! To bring this man - in the same area of work as your hubby & with similair interests...well it's certainly more than co-incidence. Hope he does contact your knight!
To be used by God is such a blessing. I'm glad you made yourself available for His service!
Glad you were able to help Kimmie.
You are an inspiration to many people.
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