Bats, anyone?
I was home alone one night...
sitting in my living room
something was moving in the fireplace
behind the screen...

*it's not a moth!*
Oh, just a fruit bat...tiny and cute...well,
to my family anyway....

My Knight missed the one that visited me a few years back, while he was off on a mission trip to Mexico with our oldest. I caught that one in the same kind of box...good to always have one tucked away for such times as these.
God must have made my Knight for me, as he thought it was the cutest little guy too.
My little fruit bat friend, probably wouldn't have been so cute, if he had been flying around inside the house.

He comes and visits every night with his fruity friends (outside as we sit on our deck).
We are thankful, as we hear *bats* have been very sick this year.
Probably mad that there were no *grapes * in that box!
All I can say is Bless your Heart for thinking that thing is cute.
I hear that bats take care of Mosquitoes! In large numbers too!.... and yea, I'm with Valerie on the, um, ahem, cuteness factor...
My kiddos enjoyed today! They couldn't tell daddy fast enough about your family! Thanks for bearing the heat!
i'm thinking you are so brave! though i question the cuteness factor myself, I am in awe of God's amazing creations!
Ahhhh, I have found a point where you and I differ, Kimmie! Although I am thankful for those little bats who help keep our skeeter population down, the word cute does not enter my mind AT ALL when I think about them! It does begin with the letter 'c' though....creepy!
Tammy ~@~
They are awful cute...outside!
I always poo-poo'd the rabid bat issues, until a high school senior in our town was bit during the night when he had no screen on his window. He didn't know he had been bit until he developed rabies and died. It was such a sad shock.
Be careful!
Hi Kimmie, I bet the little fellow would have a tale to tell his friends about the human giants when he got back to them. Bob.
Hi is so very cute. I'm glad you were calm about the whole thing. It would have been a bummer to miss having such a cute friend up close and persona.
Hmmm... a bat found its way into our house just the other day, too. How ironic! We did the same thing- captured it to ooh and ahh, then let it go!
When I was little, we had frequent in-house visits from these little guys. I think they are very cute and my mom did the same as you . . . caught them for us to check out and then released them.
Here in Guatemala, there are a lot of bats, as well. I hear and see them swooping around the windows at night as they eat the bugs attracted to the light. So far, none in the house though!
Thankfully, that's one animal I haven't had to deal with yet. Although there are bats in the barn - I can hear them squeak, but so far I haven't seen them. As long as they keep eating the mosquitoes I'm happy they're around.
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