Hope for Orphans (orphandoll.com)

"Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.”
-Proverbs 16:3
God asked me to sew two little orphan dolls...our home was where they were created and where their journey began from: The dolls are at Debrah's currently-
she has been journaling her time with them here.
We miss them, but know they are doing God's bidding's
and wouldn't want it any other way.
We continue to lift their journey up in prayer. We are seeking God's face and hand upon them...and asking Him to move the hearts of those they meet along their way.
Oh, if we could only hear with our ears the voices and weeping of all the world's orphans,
perhaps then there wouldn't be 143 million orphans among us.
Would you be bold enough to ask God today,
'What can I do about Your orphans Lord?'
Hi Kimmie- Thanks for your message. I have been missing you! Life is crazy around here and I am not walking as close to the Lord as I should be-
I hope you are well. I really wish we lived closer to each other.
Hey Kimmie, I published this comment on my blog, and then thought I should send it to you here just in case you don't see it at Walking By Faith.... Love you ~A
Thank you Kimmie for sharing with me your emotions about the end of this blog. Know it is not good-bye; just good bye to this blog. Having started this with a purpose, I felt it needed to end since it's purpose was fulfilled.
Yes, I now see the beauty of blogging, as I too am thankful I am able to stay in touch with you through it. (I must admit it's your comments that have kept Walking By Faith going for so long. Thank you.) I plan to keep up on Description In Time, and if it's the Lords will, maybe I'll start a new blog to share my thoughts and ideas.
I love you dear Kimmie, and so thankful the Lord brought us together.
Kimmie, Can you pray for us.Our homestudy has been submitted for a 3 yr old girl-named zoey.We would love for this to be our match. Thanks so much,Jill lovingmyamazinglife
I got your comment on my blog and would LOVE to help you pray! I'm writing in on my calendar as a reminder for the whole week. I can't wait to see what God reveals to you and your husband next weekend!
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