Got Time for a Hug

How glad I am to be surrounded by those who can *hold me*
Lately, I have been battling fear. Fear that I am in over my head with adopting a near 12 year old. Fear that it is going to be hard, fear that bonding may not happen, hearing others speak about their adoption has put concern in my heart. Suddenly, though I have seen His faithfulness in every single one of our adoptions, I am afraid.
I have been taking it to God. Crying out to Him and listening for His voice in this. He is saying that ALL is WELL. That He will work out every detail and all that I am concerned about. How wonderful that God is faithful and doesn't lie. How good that He has my family covered, even in the hard things of life.
OH my soul, worry not, trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not unto your own understanding, but in all your ways (and thoughts) acknowledge Him and He will set your path straight.
Each adoption is different. Older kids come with more baggage but sometimes it's easier because what you see is what you get. The state adoption agency said they get a lot of relinquishments from people who adopt babies not worrying about their background history. Then when it all starts coming out in their preteen and teen years they aren't prepared.
I go through those "fear" moments as well. God gently shows me that I am once again looking "horizontally" and not "vertically". Keep your eyes fixed on Him. Your verse in Proverbs 3 is excellent to keep repeated for encouragement!
When those moments come, I try to focus on where the fear is coming from, & it's not from the Lord. It's so easy to become distracted, but then I remind myself that if I'm not taking those chances that God sets before me, I may be missing out on a most wonderful blessing from Him.
Hugs from Ohio!!
{{{{{Kimmie}}}}} Praying that God's love will cast out every eensy weensy teensy bit of fear found in your heart and replace it with His peace!
Tammy ~@~
This is so natural sweet friend...just keep sharing with the LORD you heart!
Like all God's creation there is beauty inside and out. Like someone else said, keep looking up toward him to open these doors - as we have learned when he opens a door he opens it wide. Her heart will open with it. I've a feeling she loves you and wants to be with you already... just a feeling. Here for you always, my friend.
Thank you your desire to glorify the Lord and your transparency in all things. The tactics of satan are the same, he doesn't try new things for parents. He wants to divide, destroy, deceive and cause doubts. Keep battling back with the Sword of the Word. I'm praying for wisdom and discernment and peace....and no fear! Hugs from Washington!
Dear Kimmie,
You KNOW, sweet friend, that I have faced many of the same fears! Have face...will face again...Yes. "Sigh" about says it all.
What is so important for us to remember is that these fears all have the same source. (And as another of your friends has said, "It isn't from God.")It is so easy to prey on us nature, we are riddled with fears of inadequacy. We want to do the very best by our children...give them the life they deserve, the parents they deserve, the unconditional love and understanding they deserve...honoring God as we do so. All of those things...ALL of the time...a pretty tall order. Actually, probably not humanly possible. And yet...
"God doesn't call the equipped. He equips those that answer the call." Mother Teresa
You've answered the call, Kimmie. He will equip you.
Even in those times when you feel you've been an utter disaster, the way in which He has equipped you will be resting in each of your children's hearts. Through His Pure Love, they will KNOW that it is Your Heart's Desire to be all for them that they need for you to be...even when it is impossible. Imagine how reassuring that is for a child. They know, as your Princess Sweetness will surely come to know, that your HEART is WITH THEM, exists FOR THEM, and is given by HIM.
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
You have done this, Kimmie. You do this daily. You have committed to Him,
...and HE is committed to you and your family. Cast your fears away.
Love you so...
God has not given you a spirit of fear!! (I completely understand though.) I'll be praying for you!
I guess if you weren't nervous then you wouldn't need God.
Adopting is scary - but you have the heart for a fearless adoption! You have GOD! who is setting this up perfectly.
I think of you daily, when I'm doing Honey's hair, and think that your princess will have pointers for me! Also she's going to love the products for her skin and hair. I think of her when Jack wants Honey to speak Amharic and she won't. Your princess might want to chat with Jack to help keep her language!
You are right in handing every single fear over to Him Kimmie - and never doubt that He hears you and will indeed answer!! He has you guys covered. :) I have heard of several couples who have adopted teenagers very successfully, too. I wonder what amazing blessings she will bring into your life, and you into hers?! Praying for you today. :)
Much love,
Saminda xo
I continue praying for you & your family & also princess sweetness. You are amazing & I love the way God works through you & your family.
If hugs could cross oceans then I would hug you my friend.
You are in my heart and in my prayers. May God pour blessings upon you and give you comfort.
Kate xxx
He is holding your hand Kimmie. Don't let the enemy in! I will pray for you.
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