Scooped Up by God!

He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.
These pictures, are a visual of what God is doing for my family. Just as Princess Mercy's big sister came and scooped her up, so God is doing that to my family. This adoption is a huge stretch for us, though in faith we have agreed to do as God is asking us. You understand we just completed an adoption to Ethiopia in January, so straight out I have to say we don't have $20,000 to give Him currently.
Yesterday, I received an email from my friend Anna, of Pleasant View Schoolhouse. She decided that she wanted to help us in raising funds for Princess Sweetness' adoption. Oh how glad our heart is, for such love poured out for our new daughter and for us! Oh we are so thankful for her willingness to bless us; by sharing her gifts, friends and talents with us this week. Run over and see what a blessing God poured out on us...
Yup, God scooped me up yesterday through the arms of sweet Anna. He spoke to my heart to rest, that He was working and to not let my heart be troubled in regards of the money that is needed.
thank you God, thank you sweet Anna...thank you all who are letting the Holy Spirit stir your hearts~ to join us in this battle of rescuing a beautiful Ethiopian orphan, who happens to be the daughter God chose for us since the beginning of time. We appreciate you coming along side of us in this battle for a little girl's life.
thank you!
so glad god is scooping you up in his arms and using friends like anna to show you his love. what precious pictures!
Such beautiful pictures, Kimmie, and such a beautiful image of God with your family. I absolutely want to take part and am looking forward to reading about what your precious friend, Anna, has in mind.
Praying for you and ALL of yours...
Much Love,
I love the photos Kimmie...those little red high top sneakers look adorable on your Princess.
What a sweet picture and post,I am always uplifted visiting your blog.
Please continue to pray for our adoption journey,we were not chosen this week for a foster child we have been waiting news on.We are still waiting to see who will be joining us.Jill
so precious.
It's so good to be reminded that He does scoop us up : )
a beautiful post
Wow, so excited for you guys. I am amazed.
Totally off the subject, but her red converse are so stinking adorable!! Love them!!
Praying that God provides all your needs! And I know HE will.
Many MORE blessings to you and your family. We are hoping to finalize on a sibling group of 3 on Nov 2 after fostering them for four years and 8 months.
I love the photographs. Your kids definitely have a lot of joy.
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