The Glad Game!

The game is about finding the silver lining in every situation. It is about taking time to adjust our hearts, turning them from focusing negative to positive.
I am hoping that in sharing the game, we will spread a renewed spirit of Thankfulness from our hearts out into the world!
Psalm 68:3 (NIV)
But may the righteous be glad
and rejoice before God;
may they be happy and joyful.
Kimmie's Glad Game:
As I lay awake sleepless, due to the stress of adoption; I began to pray in the wee hours of the morning. I am *glad* that as a Christian that prayer is communication with my heavenly Father and that it can take place at any time of the day or night.
I covered sweet Kate McRae and her family as they are battling their little beauty's brain cancer. I am *glad* and utterly thankful that my Father is listening and is working in Kate as we speak. I am *glad* that I can pray for this family and believe that God is answering our cries to Him for her healing. I am *glad* that God has let me love them and stand in the battle with them.
Won't your rejoice in the Lord and be glad with me? Please leave a comment and link your post to the game, let's spread the *GLAD*!
Kimmie, I'm glad to have you for a friend.
Today I am glad for a very helpful solicitor!! :) And that I've finally cleaned the oven, yay!
Thanks so much for your prayer Kimmie. :) I so appreciate that! I spent some time in prayer for your sweet new girl this morning too (while cleaning the oven ;)). Settlement is actually this coming Monday, the 9th. :) Can't wait to get it over with!
I just found your blog this morning (Nov 12, 2009) and I am *glad* for our 2, adopted just over 5 years ago from Russia. God has watched over us and protected us and loved us SO much! I, too, am *glad* for our Father in Heaven who listens to all our early-in-the-morning darkness prayers and cares so very much.
I just found your site through another site I just found today on Pinterest, ha! I look forward to hearing about your family, etc. What a beautiful testimony you have! I, too, am passionate about following my Lord! Blessings!
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