Resolutions for a New Year:

Now, as you know, many times we make resolutions at the first of the new year, only to have tossed them aside by week two. What will be the difference with my birthday~
*Another Year Given~Resolutions?*
Well, these will be handed over to God and I will allow the Holy Spirit to begin to work the needed changes as I submit it to Him.
What is on my heart is from the Bible. These things that need to be worked on, as the Lord says should show more and more in my life as I mature.
The ones that I think I've been asked to work on, with God's help are:
Becoming more thoughtful towards others, particularly my Knight
Working on a gentler quieter spirit, particularly in homeschooling my children
Which means asking God for a greater level of patience (a dangerous thing to pray for!)
Working on opening my home more often in hospitality
Asking the Holy Spirit for more opportunities to lead others to Him
Praying with others, wherever I may be, when God gives me a nudge
Not yelling at my children to get their obedience, but using other means of discipline to teach them correctly
Getting over my fears, so that I can live in the freedom God intended for me to minister in

These are courageous things to tackle, even in His hands.
That's a great idea and a BIG list! May God bless you with come maturing where He sees you need it best! (And that sometimes can be a more dangerous thing to hope for that PATIENCE! LOL!)
Tammy ~@~
What a great list. Hope you have a wonderful year & at the end can look back & see the ways God has worked through you & also molded you for Him.
Patience is something I ask God for many times every day.
Those are great resolutions. I could just copy and paste that list, for I think God is nudging me in much the same areas as you. :)
A belated Happy Birthday to you.
Gill in Canada
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