Filling You in on our Christmas

*who will be celebrating her first Christmas with us!!
But that is not what I wanted to share!
Back in September, when God began to move in our midst once again, and Princess Sweetness (near 12 years old and in Ethiopia) became a reality. (remember God told us that by October we would know where and who we were adopting). My children began discussing what they could do to help save money for her adoption.
With tears in my eyes and a heart full of joy, I share with you that we will not be buying presents for Christmas this year. And it was not my idea. Our children, particularly the youngest ones, decided that they have everything they could possibly need or want. That we needed to change up our Christmas, so we could save more money for their new sister's adoption.
We did get a tree. We have been listening to Christmas cd's (Third Day-Mac Powell!). We have decorated the mantel and put up the handmade antique tinsel tree that everyone dislikes besides the Mama and Princess Giggles.
Mama will sew. I had knit mittens to give them, but when our car got broken into, my knitting bag and it's entirety was stolen. I am pretty sure I won't have enough time to reknit them all mittens.
We have decided to try new recipes everyday in December. Coming from a Mama who doesn't *do* recipes, but uses the creativity of *what we have and a bit of this and that*...well, this should be fun.
Our home is full of peace and joy.
Would you consider joining with us in cutting back on *buying* and add a little money to our fund.
If you notice our pay-pal button is on our sidebar. Recently some dear friends of ours added to the fund. One sent us $2,000 and the other sent us $300 to join with us in bringing our near 12 year old daughter home. We still have a way to go to get to the needed $20,000.
We would so love for you to join with us in this adoption.
I wish I could post her picture, because if you could see her face- you'd be moved to action too. My girl has waited 5 years for a family. That is too many Christmas' without a family. We can't wait until next year when she will be here with us. Won't you help us to make that happen?
Our Father who sees, will surely bless you for it. He loves orphans and my daughter, for hopefully only a short time longer, is one.
Let's change that together. Hey and if pay-pal isn't your thing, email me and we'll talk!
I love your ideas! New 'recipes' in December and antique decorations help keep it orientated around family and the real giving is in the time and attention to each other! Reflecting won't be overshadowed by things! I am a fan of silver tinsel trees!
Praying for your continued peace and love as you work towards bringing your sweet princess home!
YES, Kimmie!! I will join you. :) We're not big into huge presents at Christmas anyhow, but I know there'll be a little something coming your way. We're also hoping to sponsor another Compassion child in the new year to keep our commitment of sponsoring one child for every biological child we have - SO excited about that!! Just working on the budgeting now. :)
Heaps of love and blessings during this beautiful time of year,
Saminda xo
What an incredible blessing to have your children, especially at such a young age, possess a knowledge of what's most important, and have a giving and sacrificing heart. I pray that the Lord will allow your little girl to come home to her new family swiftly.
Of course I'll join you...Christmas will be different for us this year as well, only because of my husband and the uncertainty of his job. Not where I like to be in life, but I just need to trust.
Who would steal a knitting bag...?
Hey Brick (*J*) ;-)
It was in a cool vintage backpack...that they thought was a *possible* purse. sigh. Not only did I lose my Bible, my knitting, my identity (well, only the kind you stuff into a wallet...not my identity *in Christ!*) but my sweet knitting bag and all the projects I had worked so hard on all summer.
drats!.... Thanks for reminding me to pray for them. Wouldn't it be a shame if I let them just take all that stuff and not pray that God would make them *our* family. "Come Holy Spirit,you are *El Roi* (the God who sees)...move on them and bring them from sinner(s) to saved beloved children. Lord, and I hope they can use those mittens and that they read my Bible. Speak to them even now Lord God. In Jesus' name we pray. amen!"
Hi Kimmie, That is such a shame that they stole your bag along with so much of your time too, its a shame that these people live such an unrewarding life. Bob.
Kimmie, Thanks for thinking of me! I truly appreciate you and your compassion! What a beautiful family you have, with such tender hearts!
That's an amazing gift to see the positive even in a situation like that. God does work in mysterious ways! :)
Kimmie, your children moved me to tears. What a lovely, unselfish family you have. I'll discuss with my family what we can do. One of our prayer points is that God will send you enough money to bring Princess Sweetness home. We don't do much for Christmas, but we'd already decided to help you guys out once we sold some of our harvest. Will continue praying for you all!
Your friend
Renata :)
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