Jul 8, 2010

A Little Creativity-Homeschool Art

Just when you think you have thought of every way to teach your kids art...whallah!

My little artists sketched out their pictures in pencil and then Mama gave them little bowls of Elmer's glue.  They applied their glue with a small paintbrush and poked their beans, straws, popcorn, macaroni, and  rice into the glue, with the help of a popsicle stick (which we had previously enjoyed and cleaned for such a day as today!). 

 A little of this, a little of that and there you have it; a masterpiece!

My kids worked on their art for hours, they love this.  And it is art on the cheap, as everything was already in the cupboard and the cardboard was going out to recycling.

 Oh  Happy, happy, loved cardboard. 


Amrita said...

very cute

Expat Mom said...

We used to do this when I was little! My mom and my sister did this HUGE bean rooster one year . . . took them weeks to finish but it was beautiful. The rest of us were not so ambitious, but we had a lot of fun anyway. :D

Robin said...

Neat! I did something similar in 4-H as a child. I know my kids would really enjoy this. Thanks for the idea!

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