Hand Quilting
An old quilt top that sat too long in a box waiting for me to pay it some attention. A sweet friend who edged me on to take it out and shake its dust off. A trip together to the fabric store to secure all the bits it needed to get 'er done. Encouragement and love poured out just for me.
Slowly working on hand quilting. Pricking my fingers many times. Trying to get used to thimbles. Trying hard to keep my stitches small and even. Trouble with bad thread. Replaced said evil thread last week. Also found a beautiful small block of bees wax, golden and beautiful that should help me with knotting thread.
Hand quilting is something that takes time and patience. Kind of like parenting in many ways. I am reminded to go slow, to stick to the task given to me, to not give up or to loose hope~ that the job is too big for me. One section at a time, as God gives us just today.
Lord, as I hand quilt this king size quilt, let me make sure that in my every day that I am allowing you to be King over all I do or say. Humbly I fall before You, with thimbled bleeding fingers, submitting all I have into your hands again.
Speak to my heart and give me listening ears Oh my God.
Luke 8:15
"But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience.
I needed that today :) In the middle of one child's peak of the "terrible two's" and I can see my youngest starting soon too. We are in a constant battle to prove who is the boss here and this week I have begun to wonder if I'm making any progress at all.
Thank you for this post!
Hi Kimmie, I'm sure the quilt will be very nice and become a teasured item for someone once you've got it finished.
You are more than welcome to use the pictures of 'The Tree', I can't wait to see what you get up too with them. I make a point of not altering them in any way even though some are a little dark as I think this reflects the light and feel of the season but you feel free to do what you want.
Hi Kimmie
Your quilt is lovely & you're doing a great job. I've only done a small amount of quilting & thoroughly enjoyed it, however haven't pulled it out for years.
The quilt will be a treasure & your life already is.
Love to you
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