Bible Study Helps
I highly recommend this wonderful site. It is full of all kinds of helps for studying your Bible. If you want different versions of the Bible at the touch of your hand, just click away.
If you click on John you will see small blue squares with a letter in each box. The first letter in the top row is a K. This stands for Treasury of Scripture Knowledge-Basically this pulls apart words and phrases that are also found elsewhere in Scripture.
Next is a C- this stands for Concordance and it is also a Hebrew/Greek Lexicon. A Concordance is a great study tool it takes every single word (in alphabetical order) and tells you where you can find it in scripture. It can help you locate a verse that you don't know the chapter or verse for. The Lexicon feature allows you to look at each word (by their number assigned to them) in the original:
either Hebrew (Old Testament) or Greek (New Testament).
I love this feature and use it all the time.
either Hebrew (Old Testament) or Greek (New Testament).
I love this feature and use it all the time.
The next handy-dandy letter is L, this leads to commentaries, both in audio/video and in written study form. As you can see there is a drop down bar located to the on this and scroll to find what would help you in your study, highlight it and click on GO!
Next tiny icon is a musical note...this leads you to music/hymns. Again this comes to you from a long drop down menu- click on it and highlight your choice, click Go to arrive safely at your destination ;-) Not all verses have this option available.
The V button gives you various translations and versions of the verse you've chosen.
I am showing you John 1:1 in various translations.
For other versions (like the Amplified version- which Joyce Meyer uses, or The Message...) I like You use the pull down menu bar near the top of the website, click on the little blue down arrow (next to the search bar) and it will drop down all the translations they offer.
For other versions (like the Amplified version- which Joyce Meyer uses, or The Message...) I like You use the pull down menu bar near the top of the website, click on the little blue down arrow (next to the search bar) and it will drop down all the translations they offer.
And last but not least is the Dictionary Aid icon. This will bring a drop down menu for your verse and let you dig a little deeper in other texts (encyclopedia's, topical Bible...)
Hope this helps you dig a little deeper into the Word.
2 Timothy 2:15 (*thanks Elias! for fixing my typo!)
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
This looks great, hope to check it out more later today. BTW just want to let you know that I hope you keep blogging even without your fav. photo program. :) God Bless
That's the AWANA theme verse (except that it's 2 Timothy, not 2 Titus - which doesn't exist)!!
Thank you for these links ~ we use Bible gateway all the time, but I haven't heard of the other two. For the twins devotions they listen to an audio bible found at
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