Jun 22, 2013

Journaling with God

Journaling with God...

I stepped away from blogging a bit ago, but as I pushed away, I approached God and asked Him a few things that had become heavy on my heart.  I thought I would share some excerpts from my journal, that I bought specific for this task.  This journal entry is from February 6, 2013...as you can see from the snow in this picture.

*I will add that I have been saved by grace, that I am born-again and walking closely with the Lord.  I am in the Word and living daily to please Him.  I know His voice, as do the sheep (Believers) that follow Him.*

God told me to relax.  
Drawing myself up beside Him, to learn to do just that.

Lord, this morning this verse rose up in my heart:  This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.  Lord, teach me what this means.

(Holy Spirit):  Choose joy today, over the day, again and again, choose joy.

Lord...so much doubt has crept in, even when You say that, I think, "What does He mean?"  I feel like I need to haul out a dictionary and recheck to make sure I get it.  Lord, that doesn't feel like "relax" to me.  It feels like uncertainty, which seems like fear.  What is *joy* Lord- would you share what you mean in this.

(Holy Spirit):  rejoice is being fixed on my Goodness- it is celebrating me and my Goodness.  It is a reminder that today I want a "party" (celebration about ME)  to rise up within you.  I don't want you to contain the party, but to let it out.  Let it spill out of your heart, out of your mind, out of you.  Let it into whatever you are, throughout the day I have given you. 

 It is a choice to come to *the party*  I have personally invited you. 
 Come, don't try to figure it out, or plan it, just come.  

It begins with you saying, "Yes," to Me, then it flows to you and Me at this party.  After (or while) we fellowship- I expect you to give out (live out) of this celebratory heart (spirit).  Joy is situated in in Me-it is a constant invite into My Presence and communing in celebration (JOY) with Me.


Let me know if you have any questions on how to start your own journal with God.


Rhonda Gunn said...

It seems strange that joy resides alongside pain, or grief, or uncertainty about exactly how life situations will turn out. I have experienced depths of grief these past months and yet, that warmth of joy is perfectly situated; not moving, not bowing to circumstance. I feel what the Spirit showed you...am experiencing it and isn't it amazing! It's like it is new every morning..and it is! ♥ You are a dear, Kimmie!

Lisa said...

Your time away from the blog was well-spent, Kimmie.

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