Dec 23, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013...from us to YOU!

May your celebration be filled with love 
and may your hearts run over
 at the thought of God loving us so much
 that He sent Jesus to save us. 

 May He indeed be your Savior
 and also the Lord of your every day!


Kathy Cassel said...

Merry Christmas!

Lisa said...

Merry, merry Christmas, Kimmie. God bless.

Rob said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family Kimmie.

Expat Mom said...

Merry (late) Christmas, Kimmie! Your kids are so big! I can't believe your little girl is that tall already. I've been following your eldest on her Facebook page and saw her pic of the Batman hat and popped over to see how things are going.

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