A Small Miracle-God's rememberance of a girls heart
I am truly in awe at the goodness of God and his faithfulness in blessing us even in the smallest details of our lives.
This event happened May 2nd, but I just didn't have a moment to post it back then...but it has been on my heart to share it.
In my previous post I shared how our 5 year old wanted a toad for her birthday, this was her ONLY request. She only asked me once, and honestly we discussed it for a moment and I moved on. She brought up toads a few times as I puttered in my garden, but never again mentioned the desire to have one for her birthday.
Do you know that God is always listening, always watching us-He never sleeps, never forgets us. His eyes are searching to and fro (that is how the Word puts it)...looking for someone to bless.
Well the day that our little Princess made her request, the Father heard her. Her new mother forgot, but her faithful Father, who indeed loves her with an everlasting love, remembered.
He saw her from before her birth, He knows every hair on her head and has them numbered-He had (has) a plan for her life, plans to prosper her and not to harm her. She had a rough start in this life, in the world's eyes it would seem that she was a throw away child, one that was marked for poverty, problems, and perhaps shame. However, God lovingly picked her up and deposited her forever into our arms-into a home where she will grow to know that she was made with a divine purpose, where she will learn more and more of a Father in Heaven who loves and adores her-of a Savior (Jesus) who went to a cross to die for her sin- of a family (yes us, but also all those who accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior) who will cherish her and continue to pour into her life here on this wee little planet.
Princess Giggles understands who Jesus is, she understands what sin is, she has come to the point in her life where she has asked God to please forgive her of the wrong things she does (sins) and be Lord in her little life. She did this because God drew her, gave her understanding, not because of me or my husband-we planted the seeds, but God brought her to that point we each need to get to in order to receive eternal life. Eternal life is a free gift to us, but we have to chose to open it- to receive it.
Well the day before her birthday I was out running errands without children (can you believe it?) and stopped in my favorite shop. There on the window display shelf was this HUGE shiny ceramic toad. I looked at it and chuckled, it was then that the Holy Spirit reminded me that his sweet child had asked for one. Though there was not any toads out in the garden, he had made it so that she could have a toad in the garden wherever she would chose. I couldn't help smile, I couldn't help share my little new daughters 'story' (her life) with the cashier. We both agreed that it must have been sent from God.
God knows your hairs too, your hearts desires-doesn't that just make you want to jump over the moon with JOY? If you don't know him and want to...please read my post from (Feb. 24, 2007-in Knowing Jesus) ...Have you met Jesus?
This event happened May 2nd, but I just didn't have a moment to post it back then...but it has been on my heart to share it.
In my previous post I shared how our 5 year old wanted a toad for her birthday, this was her ONLY request. She only asked me once, and honestly we discussed it for a moment and I moved on. She brought up toads a few times as I puttered in my garden, but never again mentioned the desire to have one for her birthday.
Do you know that God is always listening, always watching us-He never sleeps, never forgets us. His eyes are searching to and fro (that is how the Word puts it)...looking for someone to bless.
Well the day that our little Princess made her request, the Father heard her. Her new mother forgot, but her faithful Father, who indeed loves her with an everlasting love, remembered.
He saw her from before her birth, He knows every hair on her head and has them numbered-He had (has) a plan for her life, plans to prosper her and not to harm her. She had a rough start in this life, in the world's eyes it would seem that she was a throw away child, one that was marked for poverty, problems, and perhaps shame. However, God lovingly picked her up and deposited her forever into our arms-into a home where she will grow to know that she was made with a divine purpose, where she will learn more and more of a Father in Heaven who loves and adores her-of a Savior (Jesus) who went to a cross to die for her sin- of a family (yes us, but also all those who accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior) who will cherish her and continue to pour into her life here on this wee little planet.
Princess Giggles understands who Jesus is, she understands what sin is, she has come to the point in her life where she has asked God to please forgive her of the wrong things she does (sins) and be Lord in her little life. She did this because God drew her, gave her understanding, not because of me or my husband-we planted the seeds, but God brought her to that point we each need to get to in order to receive eternal life. Eternal life is a free gift to us, but we have to chose to open it- to receive it.
Well the day before her birthday I was out running errands without children (can you believe it?) and stopped in my favorite shop. There on the window display shelf was this HUGE shiny ceramic toad. I looked at it and chuckled, it was then that the Holy Spirit reminded me that his sweet child had asked for one. Though there was not any toads out in the garden, he had made it so that she could have a toad in the garden wherever she would chose. I couldn't help smile, I couldn't help share my little new daughters 'story' (her life) with the cashier. We both agreed that it must have been sent from God.
God knows your hairs too, your hearts desires-doesn't that just make you want to jump over the moon with JOY? If you don't know him and want to...please read my post from (Feb. 24, 2007-in Knowing Jesus) ...Have you met Jesus?
2 Chronicles 16:9a
9 For the eyes of the Lord move over all the earth so that He may give strength to those whose whole heart is given to Him.
9 For the eyes of the Lord move over all the earth so that He may give strength to those whose whole heart is given to Him.

Beautiful story, Kimmie! :)
So how did Princess Giggles react when she saw her toad?
God is so good isn’t He! What a beautiful way to remember that He never forgets us!
beautiful! just beautiful!
God bless you! julie
what a wonderful reminder of God's love to each one of us.
It is also a very clear picture of the Lord's hand in your life and your sensitivity to His leading.
I'm so happy for Princess Giggles to have found you.
Loved the story about the toad! I found your homeschoolblogger blog and then read this one, too. You have a lovely family! Congratulations on the recent adoption of your children! I loved that day, too! I'll be praying for your possible adoption from Guatamala. Those little children are SO beautiful!
Momma (who adopted three from foster care and has five by birth and two more with Jesus!)
Thank You Lord...
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