Gifts, talents and a homestudy

Recently our social worker (who we hired to help us complete the needed homestudy for our adoption to Guatemala) asked me for a list highlighting my childrens, 'uniqueness' (I think he thinks 6 kids is a lot and we need to focus the homestudy on the fact that I am aware that they are individuals and not just members of a large family) (he thinks its large, not me, I think we are...well, just us-not big or small)
thought I'd share the lists I made (with the help of the Holy Spirit and prayer!)
*names have been changed for safety reasons
Pirate Jacky (16-daughter)- leader, decisive, organized, artistic, creative, motivated, visionary, wise, diligent, independent, perfectionist, competitive.
Likes: dance, piano, guitar, writing songs/ music, making jewelry, computer graphics , design, serving others (missions), friends
thought I'd share the lists I made (with the help of the Holy Spirit and prayer!)
*names have been changed for safety reasons
Pirate Jacky (16-daughter)- leader, decisive, organized, artistic, creative, motivated, visionary, wise, diligent, independent, perfectionist, competitive.
Likes: dance, piano, guitar, writing songs/ music, making jewelry, computer graphics , design, serving others (missions), friends
Princess Sparky (12-daughter)- compassionate, caring, affectionate, thoughtful, outgoing, enthusiastic, flexible, generous, easy going, unselfish.
Likes: dance, playing music by ear, reading, drawing, people (all ages), friends, encouraging and helping others.
Likes: dance, playing music by ear, reading, drawing, people (all ages), friends, encouraging and helping others.
Princess Sunshine(8-daughter)- gentle, tender-hearted, kind, caring, devoted, generous, strong, creative, a peacemaker.
Likes: ballet, all things pink, cows, cooking, helping others, babies, art and her best friend who is her cousin.
Likes: ballet, all things pink, cows, cooking, helping others, babies, art and her best friend who is her cousin.
Princess Giggles (6-daughter)- determined, motivated, likes to mentally picture herself doing something and then accomplishing it, loyal, caring, nurturing.
Likes: being outside, toads, worms, riding her bike (well, she learned by herself over the course of a week without training wheels!), playing church.
King Meemer (5-son)- wise, hard-working, organized, observant, creative, helpful, dependable/responsible and loyal.
Likes: cooking, helping, encouraging others, problem solving, drawing, puzzles, and discovering new things.
King Bonkey (4-son)- affectionate, tender-hearted, creative, curious, a leader in the making, devoted and steadfast.
Likes: his guitar, worship music, all things boy (rocks, dirt, mud...), bugs, being outside, riding his bike, and playing with his wagon.
I then made a list of my knight's gifts and for personal help (last time we prepared for our homestudy-he asked me what my strengths were and honestly I sat there dumbfounded...felt weird to talk about me and honestly I am still working on discovering my gifts ;) I printed out a list for me too this time around. (some on the list were a surprise for me, but according to the Holy is what was 'what was to be written.')
My Knight: faith (his personal relationship and walk with God),inner strength (Holy Spirit) wise, a leader, optimistic, responsible, humble, hard-working, kind, motivated, generous, sense of humor, easy going, devoted, romantic, caring, honest, empathetic, compassionate, able/quick to put his hand to the task, determined, dependable, decisive, patient, faithful, flexible, accepting, positive
Kimmie: faith (my relationship and walk with God), inner strength (Holy Spirit) creative, easy going, confident, passionate, faithful, organized, intuitive, self-motivated, determined, visionary, warm hearted, sensitive, compassionate, accepting, nurturing, caring, loving, flexible, wise, filled with joy and peace
Kimmie: faith (my relationship and walk with God), inner strength (Holy Spirit) creative, easy going, confident, passionate, faithful, organized, intuitive, self-motivated, determined, visionary, warm hearted, sensitive, compassionate, accepting, nurturing, caring, loving, flexible, wise, filled with joy and peace
Any child would be blessed to be a part of your beautiful family. I loved your descriptions of everyone- especially YOU!
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I enjoyed reading through a few of your posts. What a beautiful family you have! I'll be back soon.
What a fabulous family!!! So cool to adding one more to the love.
What a wonderful unique blend of characteristics.
I can see how you all fit together not by chance but by God's design.
I loved the way you did big Bruce and little Kimmie.
Your blog is a mirror of all the things you listed. I would like to add . .sweet.
Hi there, I found your blog through Lovella. My husband and I are missionaries in Argentina and have been trying for a baby for 8 years. God had another plan and we are now in the midst of adopting two little girls (sisters) that are 2 and 4. It has been just a few months but it feels like they have been with us always. I can relate to so much of your story. You have a wonderful blog. Thanks for letting us in on your life.
Leana in Argentina
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