Aug 31, 2007

Friday homeschool lessons from the Lake

This afternoon we moved our homeschool to the lake that is 5 minutes down the road. Only some of my students came with me, as some (1) were busy with lessons that required a computer and washing machine. ;-) Well, not together - quite different studies, one was for Italian and one was for Home Ec., you figure which is which.

Upon arriving, we realized most kids were still at "school" (i.e.- inside a building) -and we had the lake to ourselves. My littlest, King Bonkie (4), noticed right away that things were not like they had been all summer and with great feeling he yelled out to the rest of his classmates (i.e. siblings), " Hey, the Gardener isn't here!" (translation, no lifeguard, we will need to work on that '-) (UKBob, thought you'd like that!)

We brought a bucket of odds and ends to play with, now most people would say, 'toys' but really they are odds and ends. We have left over empty mustard bottles that the kids love to fill up, small empty koolaid containers that hold so many cool beachy we used our faithful ole' mustard bottle to write our vowels in the sand. We filled "her" up with water and then wrote (A, E, I, O, U) (we left out my 4,5 and 6 year old don't need that info quite yet for reading, to be added later). Then King Meemer (5) and I wrote his name in cursive...well, his actual name that we had practiced in his book this morning. My kids thought it was so cool and my 8 year old (Princess Sunshine), even went as far as to say that I was a, 'Genius.'

Yup, we also fed the duck and seagull...after we retrieved the wrapped crackers out of the gull's clutches (as we discussed how eating plastic isn't really healthy, and might even kill our little brazen friend). We swam and laughed too. Oh how I love homeschooling and I love my life, thank you God!


Tracy said...

Homeschool at the lake...the BEST kind of homeschool! We have a lake less than a mile from us and the kids LOVE to go after school starts in the fall and before it gets out in the spring. Makes them feel like they are getting something really special...and they are!

Brenda said...

OOH! You had a great homeschool day! This was my first week of homeschooling and I LOVE it! I can't get over the freedom!

javamamma said...

Sounds like a fabulous day of lessons!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

You've just inspired me to head to the lake 5 minutes down the road from me! :)

Nunnie's Attic said...

What fun! Recreational learning has much more of an impact. Good for you and your kids!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog! I just came over after reading your comment on Lisa J.'s blog.

From a homeschooled student,
"Lil Pilgrim Pal"

Stacy said...

You're such a wonderful mama! :)

How are you? How's the wait? I miss you! I love it that you're blogging, but I miss our long lengthy newsy emails. I'll have to send you one.


Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful post! I'm sooo glad you're so happy and that you love homeschooling so much. It's people like you that keep me inspired during the long winter months when my kids (and me) just don't want to do school!

Debbie said...

What a fun day! Isn't it great to have the freedom to "have school" wherever we want.

Thanks for sharing your day.

Bob said...

Hi Kimmie - I think you're a genius too. If school had been that much fun for me I would have enjoyed it a lot more and therefore learnt more. By the way I'm a better gardener than a lifeguard thats for sure. Bob.

Anonymous said...

What a truly fantastic homeschool day!

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