My sweet boys

Amazing how God can change your heart and put you on a totally different road (full of joy!)
I didn't think I wanted a son, you see God gifted me with a daughter and I was so in love with her and all the sweet things that come with little girls, that I wanted more girls.
My Knight told me terror stories of his childhood as a boy with a younger brother. The details of his boyhood, convinced both of us, that girls were nice (and safe).
Up until last year I had 3 daughters, one homemade and 2 adopted.
Well, last year God officially gave me TWO sons, at ONCE through a foster care adoption. (God even threw in their beautiful sister as a bonus!)
I couldn't have been more wrong about boys, they are cuddly, sweet, gently, affectionate and eager to please (well, mine are anyway). I am so thankful that God has put me in a new place of understanding and flooded me with his amazing goodness. I couldn't be happier (blessed) and I am so thankful.
Thank God for little boys!

King Bonkie (4)

Oh, I agree, little boys are the best! I have 3 sisters and I wanted boys so badly. Now that I have two, I´m just so happy with them. :D It´s great that you´re enjoying yours, they look like real little sweeties.
How handsome, how very precious...
Hi Kimmie :) They are beautiful!
Like you, the Father gave us a girl first, and I was/am head-over-heels. When we found out Mr S was on his way, I cried for an hour trying to adjust my ideas - LOL. Little did I know the utter delight that precious boy would bring to all of us. How thankful I am!
Love, Q
Oh, little boys, they are a joy. I'm feel so blessed that God gave both boys and girls. The both truly are wonderful.
You'r boys are so cute. I love love love the hairdo.
God's been melting my heart towards boys over the last few years. Does this mean a man-child is coming {via adoption} someday soon? :) I love walking out His plans!
I love boys. There is nothing like a little boy loving on his mama.
They are adorable. You are blessed!
Your boys are gorgeous. My two oldest are boys (14 and 16) and I can't even say how much they delight me--funny, helpful, handsome, intelligent, interested in the world. We're blessed, aren't we?
Your boys are special gifts from the Lord.
i have an award for you on my blog, please come and get it.
You kitty is so cute.
So sweet seeing pictures of your boys. Before I had my kids, I wanted ALL girls! Then our first came and the ultrasound showed clearly a Boy! My heart sank. But, now I wouldn't trade him for anything! God knew what He was doing!
Those little boys are blessed to have you.
So precious, Kimmie!! So precious! I love that first pic of King Meemer! And I think you shared this recently....but he's READING???! How old is he?? He looks so little to be READING!!!
You sure have some handsome boys! And by the looks of it, smart too!! I have two sons myself, and absolutely DREAD having a girl. I am hoping that I never do! (Like you and hubby, the horro stories of myself and sister as a child were to much!!!!!)
But as you and I know, the Lord will prepare us for anything He puts before us.
God bless-
I think that first picture is just the sweetest! That little face looks so squeezable! :)
Boys certainly are special (but so are girls!) I love being able to see both the Lion and the Lamb in my boys.
Hope you have more boys to add to your family soon!:)
The pictures of your boys are so adorable! I love having boys. I wouldn't know what to do with a daughter. LOL!
Cute pictures of your boys! ... children are so special and each one of yours are unique in this world, there is no one like each of them out there. God gave them to you and your husband to be loved and cared for. God's blessings to you and yours.
Such a sweet post, Kimmie. I have 2 of each and am thankful I do.
I love boys - how wonderful that God blessed you with two at one time. My oldest seems to be my knight when Dad is gone - always looking out for me. I love it!
love love love little boys. I never had a sister nor a daughter but I have four brothers and two sons, one grandson . .. and now .. .a very special little grand daughter .. .oh bliss.
What fine young kings you have!
Oh yeah! Boys are awesome! Yours are such cuties!
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