Shots of December

As I said before, December zoomed by...really. Here are a few things we did in preparation of celebrating the coming of JESUS. He is so much more than a babe in a manger, He is in my life...won't you invite Him to become all He is, in yours?
John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Hi Kimmie
I enjoyed seeing some of your preparations. The gingerbread people look delicious.
I agree December really flew by.
I will be thinking of you in my prayers this Christmas and of Little Beauty.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you and yours Kimmie!
Your photos are all beautiful, but the one of your tree really caught my eye. Absolutely gorgeous.
Love the very, very decorated gingerbread men! :) What are you using the crushed candy canes for?
Hi Genesis;
I put them on top of sugar cookies...then drizzled mint chocolate and dark chocolate over them...yum.
They are long gone now...every last crumb.
Thank you for posting glimpses of your days leading to Christmas. Tomorrow we'll be frosting all our cutter cookies and I've never thought of using chocolate chips for part of the decorations. Much better than those red hots the kids like to use for buttons! Yikes!
And thank you for adding me as one of your friends! I'm blessed and honored! :-)
Tammy ~@~
Love ya, my friend.
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