Adoption and Bonding-the how to's.

My Knight and I are so thankful for how God has taken us and blessed us with bonding with Princess Mercy. Not only are her parents head over heals in love with her, but each of her siblings are totally and utterly in love. We are blown away by how God has worked out this detail, above and beyond anything we could ask or think.
If you are having issues with bonding, I'd be happy to pray for you. Honestly, God has all our answers and He is our help in time of need.
I'd love to see Him working in your family too!
Ephesians 3:20
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us...
Have you been praying for me? Mulugeta is finally beginning to accept me. I don't know if it's b/c Ron is back to work and we're home together or that the Holy Spirit is working on him.
Any news on Siblings?
Hi Sweet Maria;
So glad to hear that there is progress with bonding and Mulugeta!! Praise God and continue to seek Him on it.
The siblings found a family. I spent a lot of time crying about *my* loss...though I was happy for them certainly, truly God put a special love in my heart for them.
We have been told by AGCI that we need to wait 9 months before we can jump back into another adoption. Which means October for us. We continue to seek God on it.
Did you get my comment about VBS at our church next week?
We see God already working in our hearts. His Spirit is creating a love for children we have yet to meet, in mommy and daddy's hearts as well as big brothers.
Sarah Dawn
Hi Kimmie
I enjoyed seeing these beautiful recent pictures. I am so happy to hear that she has bonded with her whole family. That's wonderful news.
I love all the beautiful colourful skirts that were made. Looks like Mercy was helping you to sort them and pack then ready to go. I wish your daughter well on her trip.
Hope you are having a lovely summer.
Best Wishes
Oh what precious photos!!
I love how she's looking at her brother in the last photo!
Kimmie, you have such a beautiful heart (in fact I was just telling Dave that) - just wanted to share with you how much I enjoy coming to your blog - God sure is using this ministry of yours.
Princess Mercy does look to be completely settled there - I do know that God is amazing & He sure does answer prayers!
Hi Kimmie, Since you are a mommy to both older and infant adopted children I would love to hear your thought on how the bonding was different. I think a lot of times people = immediate bond with parents, but we did not find that to be true with Jeremiah who was 7 months old when he came home. Just wondered what your experience has been!!
Hi Sarah;
Each has been different, some has required lots of prayer (mixed with tears)...but with each it has happened.
I wouldn't say babies are easier by any means. But after our 3 year wait, it is such a blessing from above.
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