Can I pray for you today and through this week? I count it a privilege to stand before God's throne with you and your need. Leave me a love note and we'll get busy, okay?
Please pray for A. and S. Please, please, please pray that God would move S.'s heart back towards A. and give A. a chance. Please pray that S. realizes that A. will make S. happy.
Thanks for asking about my hubby, good news is it is NOT life threatening, bad news is it is in a spot that is almost inoperable. He has a hemangioma behind his left eye that is causing pain. Please pray God would cause it to shrink before the next MRI (in 3 months) and that he would have some pain relief. God continues to open doors for us to do missions in Hungary, so we also pray against all the "attacks" the enemy has planned before we go in 2010 / 2011. :) I don't have time to comment often these days, but I do love your blog and seeing your family thrive!
I'm a bit late on this one, but I just found out today that my little sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer. :( I would really, really appreciate prayers for her. She is going in for surgery on the 24th.
She hasn't told anyone but me and her best friend because my parents are particularly frightened of these things, so I can't make it too public, but I know that you can anonymously pray for her! :)
My hearts desire is to live out loud, a life that reflects Jesus. Join me through word and picture
on this journey called my life. I am the Mama to 8 children, one homemade and 7 adopted, married to my handsome Knight and daily following hard after Jesus. Hope you will consider me your friend.
Our oldest daughter and son-in-love. Newlyweds and serving our country through the Air Force-how proud we are of both of them.
Princess Lala (age 22-adopted from Hungary at 15 months old)
Our beautiful daughter, first adoption and now our second to graduate out of our little homeschool.
Princess Sweetness (age 20-adopted April 2010~Ethiopia!)
Loving, obedient, a listener of His voice, funny and wise
Princess Sunshine (age 18-adopted through foster care-came at 3 adopted by 5)
Sweet , gentle and kind to others
Princess Giggles (age 15- adopted March 2007 *5 years old*...through foster care)
She is determined, loyal, and so wants to please, we thought we were just doing respite for a sibling group of 3...but God meant another adoption for us! Hurray!
King Meemer (age 14- adopted March 2007 through foster care-with his two siblings *age 4*)
He is hard-working, helpful, and wise
King Bonkey (age 13- adopted March 2007 *3 years old* ...we met his sibling group in May 2006 )
He is a worshiper, tender-hearted, and focused
Princess Mercy (age 8)
Our beautiful Ethiopian daughter, arrived January 16, 2009 at 9 months old and perfect!
Please pray for A. and S. Please, please, please pray that God would move S.'s heart back towards A. and give A. a chance. Please pray that S. realizes that A. will make S. happy.
Thanks for asking about my hubby, good news is it is NOT life threatening, bad news is it is in a spot that is almost inoperable. He has a hemangioma behind his left eye that is causing pain. Please pray God would cause it to shrink before the next MRI (in 3 months) and that he would have some pain relief. God continues to open doors for us to do missions in Hungary, so we also pray against all the "attacks" the enemy has planned before we go in 2010 / 2011. :) I don't have time to comment often these days, but I do love your blog and seeing your family thrive!
I'm a bit late on this one, but I just found out today that my little sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer. :( I would really, really appreciate prayers for her. She is going in for surgery on the 24th.
She hasn't told anyone but me and her best friend because my parents are particularly frightened of these things, so I can't make it too public, but I know that you can anonymously pray for her! :)
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