Oct 13, 2011

Homeschool Preschool Alphabet Project

Homeschool refrigerator art...

supplies needed for this project:

A little paint, 
some paper (paintable),
paint (I used tempura black and white),
an old newspaper (to cut the upper and lowercase letters from),
some glue (a glue stick works fine),
 an old refrigerator magnet
and some googlie eyes

I took a look at a zebra coloring page I found online, then free handed our two zebra's.  My 3 year old daughter then chose to paint her zebras (we were working on the letter Z- so we chose a zebra) black, white and gray.  We let them dry then cut them out. 

We had some old magnets that had seen a better day (but you can buy magnet tape at a craft store) that I chopped and hot glued on to their back sides.  My daughter glued down the newspaper letters I cut out (with a little help and an easy peasy glue stick) and then she glued on the fabulous googlie eyes
(who doesn't love googlie-eyes!)

She played with them arranging them on the fridge for several days, while I reinforced the letter sound as she was happily playing with her cute little zebras.  

In my earlier homeschool years I would have gone in letter order, but now as an older homeschooling Mama I ask her what letter she would like to learn and we jump from there.  If she picks a letter she already knows the sound for (I am working towards letter and sound recognition to begin early reading), then I remind her she already knows that letter and that we should pick a different one.  So far it has worked.

She is so cute and so enjoys painting everything in sight.

a typical artist face

I saved an old zip up sweatshirt of mine for our art project days.  It is so easy to cover her up with and washes up with the snap of the fingers (okay and a little laundry soap.)

What a fun way to learn our alphabet and what a great way to showcase your child's school work!
When you are done, just label and date it and slip it into a plastic sleeve which you keep in a binder notebook.  When the year is done you can marvel at all you did and ALL you learned along the way!


Unknown said...

"Over the Moon with Joy" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.


Mom to many said...

Very cute project! Looks like she is smiling from ear to ear!

Expat Mom said...

What a great idea! I always thought you had to teach letters in alphabet order, too, but in the reading book that we use, they teach them in an order that gets kids reading by the second lesson, which is great. They feel like they are really accomplishing something. So my previous ideas are out the window. :D Love the tip on storing artwork, too!

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