Christian Parenting....Fruit (part 2)
you kind of need to read it to understand the rest of this...
Don't mind the hand picked 3 year old outfit, which consists of her pj top and rain boots-
this story is the testimony of a prayer warrior.
Two confessions to make before I begin...
1. I am a prayer junkie. I love to pray and I love to receive prayer. I look for opportunities to pray for those around me and I am a firm believer that if you are being poured out that you need to be refilled (spiritually and Spirit speaking). Thankfully at my church we have a prayer ministry team that offers to pray after each service, several times a week I look forward to this refilling and touch from God.
2. I hear from God and I try to follow through (without fear) when He directs me to speak or pray with someone, though it may be a stranger or unusual place to do so.
here begins the story:
We are at my church and the altar area has been opened up for prayer. Before I can begin to clear a way to the front, my 3 year old Ethiopian daughter, Princess Mercy, taps me and says, "Can I ask you a question Mama?"
I slow down and listen.
She says, "Can little girls go up for prayer too?"
I hesitate and begin to think of reasons why I shouldn't say yes to this. Instead I find myself saying yes. (My children have been up for prayer, but usually it is our bringing them up. None of my children have ever asked to go up at age three.)
So there we stand, leaning on each other and waiting for a prayer minister to come. Before long one does and she asks how she can pray. I tell her that my wee one wants prayer. She bends down and her catcher leans in behind our little girl.
The prayer minister asks what she would like to pray about.
My wee one looks straight into her eyes and says, " I have a friend named Miss Wendy, she has cancer. Can we pray that God will heal her and encourage her. She is very sick."
As I hear the words come out of this tiny little body, I am blessed beyond words. I had not asked, but trusted that what was on her heart was worthy of prayer. Thinking it was going to be a rather childish request and would not carry much weight in Kingdom business. Oh, how wrong I was.
So with a gentle amazed heart we all joined together to pray for our Rhubarb friend, Wendy. And God heard.
So parents continue to teach them the way they should it out, Authentic Christianity and be ready for the fruit in your disciples lives. My heart as a parent is to raise servants of the Living God. To raise world changers. Some days we seem so far from this,
but occasionally God in His great mercy gives us a glimpse of fruit!
Thank you Kimmie for this reminder! We need to be prayer warriors! I am praying for you and your friend Wendy Kimmie! What a reminder from a child that if we take things to our Heavenly Father He will bless us beyond measure. I am on my knees this morning because I need help from my Savior to help to continue to be a slave to Him and not to sin. Could you pray for me that I would fight the temptation to just give up and not live my life for Christ! I don't have many christian friends and my church is made up of a lot of young children and married couples. So its hard when I have hardly any christian friends to turn to for prayer and encouragement! I am thankful for my sister and parents and the few friends I have in Christ.
Thank you again this post really spoke to me that yes prayer is powerful and God hears us when we pray!
In Christ,
That is such a precious story!!!!!!!
WOW! I love this! A little encouragement along the road of parenting! BEAUTIFUL!!!
May I ask you, Kimmie, to have a read of my last blog post and PRAY, PLEASE!!
Thank you!
Your friend Isabel
I've been waiting to hear more about Miss Wendy Rhubarb. This follow-up is better than anything I'd imagined. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
what a blessing
I LOVE her boots! Of course, they are not nearly as cute as Mercy.
What a great story. You are doing something right, momma!
Kimmie I love this!!! What a precious reminder of the beautiful faith of a child!
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