It's All About that Someone Nominated me...
Okay, this may sound goofy...
or maybe that its my birthday
and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by what God did for me today...
I popped over to the 7th Annual Homeschool Blog Awards for 2011
and was brought to tears...
Because somebody nominated me for
I have been so overwhelmed as of late with motherhood, homeschooling
and such that this just rocked my world.
(mainly feeling like a miserable failure)...
Some kind soul (maybe the same person) also nominated me for
I'm not asking anyone to vote for me, but as this blog has always about me opening my heart to you,
just thought I'd share what an effect this has had on my soul.
Thank you from the bottom of this birthday girl's heart.
AND if you have a few moments and want to discover some great new blogs, click on the links under each category and enjoy a magic carpet ride straight to each blog. I am always amazed at the talent that God has given to so many, the great writing and photography gifts, the beauty of the blogs themselves and the time (I KNOW FIRST HAND) that it takes to make such a blog exist in the first place!
Yes, blogs can suck the life out of you...make you feel inferior OR you can enjoy a temporary escape into seeing what is going on in someone else's life. Sometimes God even surprises you and brings you a fast new friend (not a fake friend, but the honest to goodness real kind that we all crave!!) God sure is up to so very much these days (giggle-giggle!)
Hi Kimmie
Congratulations on the nominations!! I've already voted for you!!
Happy, happy Birthday my dear friend ~ I hope you have a wonderful day with your precious family!
PS I dreamed about meeting you the other night ~ it was like we were old friends straight away!!
Congratulations on your nomination. You have a beautiful blog and family.
Happy birthday, sweet Kimmie! You sure DO deserve those awards!!!
What a beautiful and gentle spirit you have - and what an encourager and prayer warrior, too - - - not to forget the home schooling ideas!
Hope you're feeling the love - today and always!
KIMMIE! Happy birthday! You ARE a wonderful mom and very deserving of the nomination :-)
Tammy ~@~
Happy Birthday! I hope you had a day filled with blessings and encouragement. I hopped over to vote for you in both categories, because without a doubt, you deserve the nomination on both counts.
Happy BIrthday Mama Comollo!
Hi Kimmie-
Congratulations! You are definitely a huge encourager! I am so thankful that this warmed and encouraged your heart. Your words and your transparency are a breath of fresh air and helps to remind so many of us how much God loves us, even in our imperfections. Much love to you sweet sister! I hope you had a blessed birthday!
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