Prayer! Want it?
Here i am, offering to pray. Anyone interested in joining hearts and seeking heaven together?
Personally, I would like to confess that i have been battling fear. it has been sneaking up on me.
God has been silent and it has left me in doubt, instead of strong faith.
i really am struggling and crying to Him to remember me.
God has been silent and it has left me in doubt, instead of strong faith.
i really am struggling and crying to Him to remember me.
Have you ever struggled thinking God forgot you?
let's be real and admit that there are times when we just feel forgotten, not due to sin or anything that intentionally separated us from Him (sin), but the silence stays too long and we need Him to come.
as much as i call to Him, still He remains silent. as much as i pray, still He is silent. as much as i seek Him, still it feels like i am alone.
real, just me being real.
and i know the Word. i know perfect love casts out fear. i know that He has promised to never leave us or forsake us...but I know Daniel, David and well Jesus, cried out to Him not to forget them.
(really, look it up in your Bible, it's in there)
(really, look it up in your Bible, it's in there)
just saying. i know David asked to be remembered...
so if you'd like to pray for me...i'd really love that. and as i spend a lot of time in prayer
(and in the Word), i'd be happy to pray for whatever is on your heart too.
I'll pray with you! And as for me, I've been struggling with fatigue (more than normal) tired, but I don't nap because than I won't nap at night...makes it hard to keep going to get all the household stuff done...
Will you pray for me? I have been having trouble sleeping (waking with anxiety) and for my adopted son who struggles to control his temper. We need peace and refreshment. thank you!
I will pray for you, Kimmie. Yes, yes. I also need prayer for a particular relationship and me.... struggles that need God's real intervention...For me, I need understanding as to what I can do, how I can change or share in a way that is productive and helpful. I have felt powerless in it, and unable to help....sometimes hopeless, and full of anxiety about this. I shouldn't be more specific, but you get the idea
Of course! Same thing here. I am still struggling with parenting with only one good arm and from a wheelchair.
have you had your thyroid levels checked. Look up symptoms of hypothyroidism...if you come in (by blood test) at the low end of normal but have many of the symptoms...then you need to pray for a doctor who will treat you. Ask me how I know?
Iron level okay?
Are you feeling weary or depressed?
I will pray with you! I struggle every single day these days with believing God is still with me. I often forget to pray. Regardless I love my heavenly father so much. Faith is a funny thing, you hold onto it as if it is going to jump out of your hands and run away at any minute because it seems that faith is ALWAYS struggling to find greener pastures. But nobody said faith was easy!
Anyway, I love reading your blog and I wanted to let you know that I nominated your blog for a Liebster award. More details here:
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