Jun 23, 2014

A Love Note

Quite often I think of something that would be interesting to share, but life jumps in the way and perhaps lack of motivation, somehow my thoughts never quite land as I would like here.  Really I blame my Kindle that my husband bought me two years ago...seems she keeps me from the computer where I use to blog regularly. That and my Pinterest addiction.

Summer is officially here and hopefully more time for this mama to share her thoughts with you.  

At the moment I am up to my neck in yard work.  We hit a streak of rain and I kind of stopped gardening stuff to maintain house stuff.  Throw in having the last three rooms of our first floor wood floors being refinished, well you have another reason no blogging occurred.  Hmm.  

The floors look amazing and we are currently on the search for some larger area carpets.  I searched several non-carpeting stores with no luck (Home Depot, HomeGoods...).  

Well actually I thought I had some, but then after we carted home three new rugs, we quickly decided they were totally not the right size or color and had to be returned.  So back they went and the search for a 5 by 7 rug and a 10 by 12 rug and then an 8  by 10 rug are in order.  Hmm, and a runner to go along the hallway with that 5 by 7 rug.  

I really would love to find wool rugs, as I find them to hold up under our "destructive" living ways so much better.  Also dark and lots of colors seem to hide so much of life that occurs here.  Now you'd think I was asking for the moon, really.  It just isn't that easy. 

 My Knight is telling me to try some online carpet sites, but this little housewife is a tad leery.  I have the same problem with ordering books (curriculum for our home school) without first fingering through them, sniffing their pages (okay, maybe only the old ones I buy) and seeing if it will work for us.  The thought of not touching a rug or feeling the density of the pile just sends shiver-me-timbers down my spine.  But post this posting, I am going to see what my dear Knight has bookmarked for me to peruse.  

He says that the shipping is free, as is the returns on these sites he has found.  I just imagine me carting all these rugs back to the post office (which is near Timbuktu in correlation to our home) and trying to jam them back into some cardboard tube.  Did I mention that I can't fold sheets?  Well, maybe the flat ones, but never the fitted. (and yes, I did bookmark on Pinterest what the secret to folding them is, but honestly, it still, no matter how I try to tilt my head and figure out what all those steps mean, doesn't quite happen as the picture shows.)

Perhaps this will go differently than I am painting it for you, guess we will see.

How are you doing?  Are you up to your neck in projects?

I always imagine summer to be filled with lazy days and reading tons of books that don't seem to manage my attention any other season.  

The littlest Princess has a stack of laundry that looks more like a mountain than a mere load to be put away.  So I am off to do that first. Did I mention that Princess Mercy loves to wear all her clothes and that she had on 4 different outfits just today.  She is very passionate about dressing and what she should be seen in at any given moment. (sounds like a photo shoot opportunity and a blog post!!)  I am sure someday it will bring a huge smile to my face, but for tonight I am not quite dancing at the thought of getting it folded and put away.

Princess Mercy did say she would help me, in that cute 6 year old voice.  She said, "Mama I am going to put my pajamas on and then we can get to work."  As I finished drying the dinner dishes with the older girls, I saw her in a 5th outfit (that wasn't pj's) and saw her slip quickly out the front door to the soccer field that is our front yard at the moment.  It's World Cup time and the children here are out trying their skills in between popping on the tellie to see who won, who lost and who perhaps will be the ultimate winner of it all.

Okay, I let her slip past, because I was avoiding it too.  But now I must tend to it, or it just might ruin my hope of reading my library book tomorrow.

 I am  also trying to read a book called The Spiritual Man by
Watchman Nee.  Not a particularly light read, but one that I am currently fascinated by in learning about soul and Spirit. He uses the word, "soulish" which I had never heard termed before.  Interesting and amazing how God works it in after He has opened it to you.

Love to YOU...hope you'll drop me a line or two back...I could use a few love notes!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Well Kimmie - now you've got me following several of your (many!) boards. humph! :D Not all, Please!

Your floors sound so nice! I buy many things online, but you have to do what you feel comfortable with.

I'm busy with gardening, and it's wonderful! Haven't our last few days been perfect? Heavenly.

I have way too much fabric - I have to start making several quilts, like Anna.

I am happy that it's summer!

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