Jan 25, 2019

The Beauty of Homemade Bread

Warm bread straight from the oven, oh what more says love?

Simple ingredients: yeast, warm water, flour, salt.  A little mixing, a little kneading of the dough, wrapping her and then giving her time to slowly fill to her potential.  

Pressing her down, reshaping her again and letting her slowly rise up again. Keeping her gently wrapped to prevent a hard outer crust that would limit her full potential. She needs to stay warm and soft in this waiting process.

Heating an oven to nice and hot, then baking her until perfectly golden. Give her a thump and see if she sounds rather done.  

Release her to a cooling rack and sit staring at her until you can stand it no longer. 

With a serrated bread knife slice, smell, close your eyes, and thank God for such a wonderful gift as bread.

As I write this I realize how much life and trials that come are like the making of bread.

Though I have been knocked down in life, sometimes looking rather deflated at such times, the Holy Spirit that lives in me causes me to rise and reach to my potential that God Himself has put within me.

Where does my help come from? The One who made both heaven and earth and every grain that grows upon it.  I look to Him in difficult times and He fills me up and enables me to rise.

Be blessed my friends, may you too overcome and rise to bring Him glory!


Lisa said...

Your loaves look beautiful. Although I make bread less often because I'm trying to eat less carbs, I still enjoy the process - that has always fascinated me.

Rhonda Gunn said...

Thank you, Kimmie! Yes, may we rise!

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