Sep 22, 2007

Symptoms of LOVE in a teenager...noticed by a Proud Mama

(The birthday girl is on the right...this is a few days after us adopting Princess Sparky, or Fazzdike (Faz) as we sometimes call her! (1995))

This letter was included this year in our party invitation.


Dear Family and Friends;

This year is my 13th birthday, September 22. It will bring a whole new
Year, and a whole new me, as I grow in the likeness of God .

This year I’ve decided to do something new instead of birthday presents. I’ve
decided, that I’d rather collect money for an orphanage called, Hannah’s
Hope in Guatemala. So instead of using money for presents, please use it to donate to the
Orphanage, by giving it to me, to give to the orphanage. Every penny
will be donated to this orphanage to buy the children their clothes, food
bedding and many other needs.

As we bless this orphanage we’re blessing
the children, the workers there and most of all God. So join with me as
I become what we’re called to be, God’s hands and feet. Blessing our sisters and
brothers in Christ, changing these kids lives from poverty to Hope, from
lost to found, from empty and worthless, to a great worth in God.

Thanks so much!

My heart knew from day one of meeting her at the orphanage in Hungary, that she had the most giving spirit. At 14 months old when another child cried, she would scoot over to their crib and slide her arms through the railings, to rub them and let them know they weren't alone, staying however long it would take to bring them into peace. I have never seen another child this young comfort others, I have also seen her bring tears to peoples eyes, as she comes beside them and asks if she can pray for them. Her heart is huge and I am blessed to be her Mama. Certainly God is pleased with her selfless spirit, I am overwhelmed that He would chose her for my daughter.

Happy Birthday my sweet Hungarian beauty, may you continue to grow into His likeness and bring him glory with your words and deeds. We are so proud of you!


Tracie said...

Happy Happy Birthday, dear girl! You are obviously a princess to your whole family, and I know your "Daddy God" is looking down so proud of you!

javamamma said...

What a beautiful young woman...inside and out! Her generous heart will be richly blessed by her Daddy-God.

Foxy5 said...

I have no idea how I found your blog. I've been reading for a few days now and had to comment. I have tears in my eyes. I am amazed by your daughter. What a beautiful spirit she has. When surrounded by the "gimmie gimmie" world she is able to stand above the rest and collect HER birthday money, money that I'm sure a girl of her age would love to have and spend, and GIVE with it instead. and not just some, ALL. God must have an amazing calling on her life. What a proud Mama you must be. :)

Oh, and Happy Birthday!!!

Quinne said...

How precious, Kimmie! The light of Christ in the eyes and hearts and hands of our sweeties is just the most beautiful thing. Pls give that lovely princess a hug from me, and tell her I will be sharing her story with my sweet Miss M as we pray for the children at Hannah's Hope. Love, Q

Becka said...

PLease send me your address. I would like to send a card to you daughter with a gift for Hannah'a Hope. I love this organization and would love to help your daughter send them a magnificant birthday gift. It blessed my heart to hear of her generous spirit, thank you for sharing!

Nunnie's Attic said...

I can't even imagine how your heart must be swelling. You should be so proud of a special little lady such as she. What a gift! To be able to spread the good news of our Lord at such a young age? And so articulate. I think that you might have the next Joyce Meyer living with you. Happy Birthday, Precious! May God grant you all that you need.


Kimmie said...


How sweet of you...not sure how to contact you my email is on my sidebar on the blog.


Anonymous said...

It amazes me to hear of a young girl her age with such love in her heart. It truly does seem like a rare thing to hear of a teenage girl willing to not accept gifts for herself but to collect the money she receives to give away to those more in need. She has discovered what it is to give. That natural high that one gets when they know that they have done a good thing. I hope your beautiful daughter has a very happy birthday.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Wow, wow, wow! My son turns 14 next month and while he loves the Lord and is very compassionate, thoughtfulness is not his strong suit. I can't imagine him doing anything like this. Your little princess is such a special, special person who will bless the lives of many in her lifetime. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post!!!

Lovella ♥ said...

Goosebumps. What a beautiful girl.
Happy Birthday sweet girl.

Beth said...

As soon as I read that she, as a 14 month old baby, would comfort the other children, I was in tears. What a precious soul! You are so blessed and I'm sure she will be a blessing everyone she encounters! :o)

randi said...

Oh my gosh, I have tears in my eyes! What a precious girl you have!

BittersweetPunkin said...

What a BEAUTIFUL post......I came to visit at the BEST time. I found you from Julie at Nunnies Attic. My son will be 13 on Tuesday.
How very very special-what a wonderful thing to do. You are truly blessed!

Bobbie-Jo said...

She must truly be a special girl!

Anonymous said...

Oh my heart. It just BURSTS as I read this! What an amazing gift she is to our hurting world. Thank you Jesus for this young woman, bless her immensely on her birthday!

LBP said...

I would be proud too! What a thoughtful daughter. Happy Birthday!


Kelli said...

Happy Birthday to a very sweet, thoughtful and generous young lady! What a blessing she is to those around her, may she have a wonderful birthday!!

Stacy said...

I am so impressed with your girl, Kimmie! I hope my own daughter has such compassion and love for Jesus at that age.
And you? You're a wonderful mother, Kimmie. ~Stacy

Anonymous said...

Lots of tears after reading about your precious, selfless daughter. Oh that we would all be that way.

You are a blessed chosen mommy!

Amrita said...

God bless you Sparky, you are beautiful inside and outside too. God will use your birthday gifts for His glory, like the jar of expensive perfume poured out at the feet of Jesus.

Laura Lu said...

Oh what a beautiful princess of the King! Her beauty brings tears to my eyes! What a inspiration and gift to us all!

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