Jan 16, 2014

Teaching Children How to be a Blessing

(part one)

After looking around the Internet, I became greatly aware that there is a great lacking on 
 teaching children to be a blessing.
 I found many posts on how to bless your children,
100's of ideas of how to bless them.
  But I couldn't find one such list of how children can step out to be a blessing.

  Now, don't get me wrong, blessing your children is great.  I do it - you do it, but are they doing it?  If they are or even if they aren't, wouldn't you like them to live this way.  Like the kind of living that doesn't require you to walk around behind them reminding of them to do it. (smirking). 

As a homeschooling mother, I have decided that this needs to be put into our curriculum.  So my children will be memorizing this scripture.  We will make a list of ways to be a blessing and writing essays on how we are blessed and why?  (see below)  We will also, as they say, 'take it to the streets.'  The ministry of blessing is about serving, really that is what is meant by ministry; service to others.

I think the Bible clearly tells us that we are blessed so that we can pour out blessings to others.  The whole blessed to be a blessing idea. Now the Bible doesn't spell it out exactly like that, but it does point us firmly in that direction. I am going to do a few more posts on how to be a blessing, with Scripture added in to help us.

 We are told to love God with all our hearts and to also love others (God used the word neighbors) as ourselves.  Now, here in America I don't think we have a problem loving ourselves, our society is based on self-focus.  We as humans are born not only sinful, but selfish in our ways. My children are no different and need continued guidance in training them to walk in ways that please God.  I want my children to spend less time on thinking or pondering self, and to instead focus with greater intent on becoming one who blesses.

As their mother, I am encouraging them to think on how they can bless me (and others) throughout their day.  God promises them that if they honor their parents (honor means- love, respect, caring for, obedience to...) that he will bless them because of that life style choice with a long life.  Those who honor God, He honors.  

So imagine this "Little Blesser" having the favor of God over their long little lives.  Makes you want to get busy at working, "How to be a Blessing," into your parenting plan.  I want my children blessed by God and in turn, poured out to be a blessing on the path they trod upon.

Here is what I wrote on our fridge (*dry erase makers):

Philippians 2:3-4  

Expanded Bible/ with some Mama Notes added in

When you do things
do not let selfishness 
or pride
to be your guide.
Instead be humble and (stop and choose) 
give (action)
more honor (regard/value)
to others than to yourself.

Do not  be interested only in your life 
(again either me-me-me or  an I-I-I attitude),
but be interested
in the lives of others.
(be a blessing to make others happy).

Homework:  (this was for my kids- also written on the refrigerator door)
  • write out a list of how you are blessed (my children are doing it in essay form)
  • God blesses you so we can be a blessing to others- how will you choose to live this way today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like this!

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